God, Thank you for all I have. Yahweh, I pray my husband gets rid of his goat, the goat is jumping on my van and has scratched it up, and I told him, he didn't buy the van, I bought and paid for it, he will be the responsible one to pay for the scratches, brokeness; he should replace the damage his goat has caused and get rid of his goat. Yahweh, If the goat would stay in a pen he could keep his goat, buy the goat jumps over the pen and causes so much damage, she needs to be gone. Yahweh, Carl has one vehicle he has bought, that is his, and he parked it under a tree and a limb fell on it, and crushed the top of his truck he was told not park it their, and he did it anyway. He don't care. Yahweh, I'm so tired of all those in Carl, I'm about to do a clean and kick 'em all out, the lazys gotta go, the not caring gotta go, drinking too much gotta go, abuse gotta go. Yahweh, I told Carl, why don't he pay for something in our home, and have it put in his name, everything is in my name, and he says its his because he pays for it, no, he is paying for being here and I don't won't him here, and his credit is bad, he owes so much on credit card debt, he'll pay that off too, and those he spent it on will be paying. Yahweh, We have dogs, and they are in a pen, and he says why don't I get rid of the dogs, I told him because my dogs aren't jumping on my van and scratching it up and breaking it thats why. Yahweh, And as for Carl, my very first car, I got from my Moma and H.L., I took good care of my car, I started having problems with it, and I told Carl, he don't care, he said ain't nothing wrong with it, it ran hot, and the gaskets broke, and its sitting under my garage waiting to be fixed. Yahweh, There are so many beer cans in our yard, from Carl abusing alcohol, and he don't clean his mess up, he just throws it in the yard, he needs to clean up his mess, I'm not going to clean up after a grown man, and when he drinks, he can't handle or hold his alcohol, he gets abusive towards me and the children, and I ain't one he wants to play with and I'm tired of it too. Yahweh, If Carl can't hear me, and don't do anything about it when I tell him, he needs to get gone, I don't need him, and I'm tired of my children being thrown in my face when I've had enough of Carl, so what they'll grow up without Carl, I grew up without Jerry, and I'm probablly better off for it, and so will my children with Carl, they will probablly be better off without Carl, because we have you, God, Yahweh, Jesus to help with us. Yahweh, I pray Carl fixes all of these things hes doing wrong, and makes them right, before its too late for us. God, and Yahweh, In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen
Father, God, Yahweh, Jesus, Abba, I ask and pray for these things to be fixed. I prayed for this. In Jesus Name. Amen
Father, God, Yahweh, Jesus, Abba, I ask and pray for these things to be fixed. I prayed for this. In Jesus Name. Amen