God, I pray for wisdom, truth, light, lite, sleep, peace and knowledge alway's. Yahweh, I pray for all of my family. Yahweh, I pray you hear and answer our prayer's. Yahweh, I pray for my relationship with you, God, Jesus, my family, I pray we are closer, laugh, love, show mercy, kindness, speak the truth, be glad always with one another. Yahweh, I pray for those on this website, their prayers are answered. God, and Yahweh, I pray all has a Happy New Year, and you bring us joy, peace, wisdom, love, truth, mercy, kindness, money, work, unite our families together. God, and Yahweh, In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen
I prayed for this. In Jesus Name. Amen
I prayed for this. In Jesus Name. Amen