Humble Prayer Partner
Would you please pray for me that God would remove the bitterness and the disappointments and the hatred of self from from my heart. Could you thank Jesus for praying for me as my advocate. Please Lord Jesus give me the desires of my heart change my heart to serve the living God and be loyal to the Kingdom take the people pleasing behavior out of me and put your desires in my heart take everything that's not pleasing to you please make me into a man after your own heart. I am willing to be made willing to lease you in word thought and deed, Thank you for my new friends thank you for restoring me and my wife. Please make me a clean heart o Lord and renew in me a steadfast spirit Renew to me the joy of your salvation you are my source of peace. I know I experienced that peace today I know that's you. Please make me a man of God that is free from Esau syndrome in Jesus Name