Beloved of All
Would you guys please pray for me that I would be filled more and more to OVERFLOWING with the love of Jesus!? I know it’s a simple prayer, but I really mean it. I just want Jesus to fill my heart, my vessel to OVERFLOWING so that His love is evident and manifest all around me wherever I go. To tell the truth, I don’t even know how this would be possible, but the desire just came upon me, so I thought I’d reach out for prayer During my life I have known a handful of brothers in Christ who were filled to such a degree. They are now with Him in eternity. But there was an aura of WARMTH about them from the Holy Spirit that was unmistakeable! They FIILLED a room whenever they walked in! I’ve always longed to be like them, but could never achieve it or match them. They also had big, generous, MAGNANIMOUS hearts that enveloped you with the love of Jesus! Being near them was like being hugged by Jesus. One who stands out in my memory was in high school. ###. He was a BIG GUY! Played on the football team. He was MEAN!! Then when he accepted Jesus (this was during what was known as the Jesus movement) he suddenly became like a big, warm, gentle Teddy bear!! He was the most Jesus filled man I have ever known. It was like the love of Jesus exuded from every pore. Then he died in a car wreck. But I will never forget him, all these decades later. And I have had a couple other brothers in Christ who were like him. They too are with the LORD, now. Anyway, back to my prayer request. I’d like to be filled with the love of Jesus like I’ve never experienced before. Please pray for me!! Thank you, brothers and sisters.