God is moving in His Spirit, moving all over the earth. Signs of wonders and power from heaven comes to those who seek His face and offfer a sacrifice of praise to Him who alone is worthy of all glory.
O clap your hands all ye people, shout unto God with a voice of triumph.
Psalm 47.1
Sing your praises to the Lord our God, He alone is worthy of all glory, exalt His holy name and adore Him wherver you are. Let my heart be the temple of Thy Spirit o Lord, let me be a holy habitaion where Your Spirit is pleased to dwell. So, I will continue to sing praises to Your name. I want to utter the sacrifice of praise. Fill our temple o Lord with Thy Spirit once again. Blessed are those who put their trust in Him alone, they will not be left all alone on earth, they will receive blessings upon blessing in whatever they do for the glory of God the Father. Their joy and peace shall be complete because they have obeyed the voice of the Lord.
Holy Spirit Thou art welcome in this place.
Omnipotent Father of mercy and grace.
Thou art welcome in this place.
For in Thy presence there is healing divine.
No other power can be like Thine.
Holy Spirit Thou art welcome in this place.
Thou art welcome in this place.
Showers of mercy and compassion fall on those who magnify the Lord above all things in life. Wonders of hope and mercy shall become a reality on those who seek His face. Glory shines down in our life and our soul is lifted up to heavens gates.
To enter into the holy presence of God.
His blessings shall fall on our life.
Walking daily with Him.
Light shall shine our path.
It will lead us all to heaven.
I shall praise Thee forever more with the sweetness of Thy presence I shall walk in the land of the living, the knees of my heart and soul shall bow before Thee because Thou has done great things in our life.
As I lift my hands in surrender.
To Your name most HIgh.
I am yielding to Your spirit.
I am walking in Your love.
Jesus I love You today.
I will love You for ages to come.
And blessed be His glorious name for ever, and let the whole earth be filled with His glory, Amen and amen.
Psalm 72.19
O clap your hands all ye people, shout unto God with a voice of triumph.
Psalm 47.1
Sing your praises to the Lord our God, He alone is worthy of all glory, exalt His holy name and adore Him wherver you are. Let my heart be the temple of Thy Spirit o Lord, let me be a holy habitaion where Your Spirit is pleased to dwell. So, I will continue to sing praises to Your name. I want to utter the sacrifice of praise. Fill our temple o Lord with Thy Spirit once again. Blessed are those who put their trust in Him alone, they will not be left all alone on earth, they will receive blessings upon blessing in whatever they do for the glory of God the Father. Their joy and peace shall be complete because they have obeyed the voice of the Lord.
Holy Spirit Thou art welcome in this place.
Omnipotent Father of mercy and grace.
Thou art welcome in this place.
For in Thy presence there is healing divine.
No other power can be like Thine.
Holy Spirit Thou art welcome in this place.
Thou art welcome in this place.
Showers of mercy and compassion fall on those who magnify the Lord above all things in life. Wonders of hope and mercy shall become a reality on those who seek His face. Glory shines down in our life and our soul is lifted up to heavens gates.
To enter into the holy presence of God.
His blessings shall fall on our life.
Walking daily with Him.
Light shall shine our path.
It will lead us all to heaven.
I shall praise Thee forever more with the sweetness of Thy presence I shall walk in the land of the living, the knees of my heart and soul shall bow before Thee because Thou has done great things in our life.
As I lift my hands in surrender.
To Your name most HIgh.
I am yielding to Your spirit.
I am walking in Your love.
Jesus I love You today.
I will love You for ages to come.
And blessed be His glorious name for ever, and let the whole earth be filled with His glory, Amen and amen.
Psalm 72.19