Elizabeth F
Humble Servant of All
I have always been a worrier and suffered from anxiety. Even as a child. Having physical illness and lots of bad things happen haven't helped.
Just now I am:-
Worried about seeing a psychiatrist next week
Worried about new medication not working and side effects
Worried about losing my sister ###. She isn't well and has lost weight
Worried about noise of heating from next door
Worried about new neighbours moving in next door as they have two large dogs and three cats so worried about noise and what effect it will have on our cat ### and the birds who come to our garden to be fed
Worried about having gall bladder surgery far from home
Worried about God not healing me
I am SO tired of worrying and need it to end!!! I need God to take it all away and reassure me that He is hearing my prayers and He will make everything alright
Father God you said we could cast all our cares upon you as you care for us so I bring all my worries to you and ask PLEASE give me your peace and love which passes all understanding and reassurance that you have heard my prayers and will answer. I am weighed down with worry and ask you to lift this burden from me.
I can't deal with the 24/7 mental torture and the physical illnesses which cause such horrendous pain. So I ask to be set free from all this In the name of Jesus by whose blood we are cleansed and by whose stripes we are healed. Amen
Just now I am:-
Worried about seeing a psychiatrist next week
Worried about new medication not working and side effects
Worried about losing my sister ###. She isn't well and has lost weight
Worried about noise of heating from next door
Worried about new neighbours moving in next door as they have two large dogs and three cats so worried about noise and what effect it will have on our cat ### and the birds who come to our garden to be fed
Worried about having gall bladder surgery far from home
Worried about God not healing me

I am SO tired of worrying and need it to end!!! I need God to take it all away and reassure me that He is hearing my prayers and He will make everything alright

Father God you said we could cast all our cares upon you as you care for us so I bring all my worries to you and ask PLEASE give me your peace and love which passes all understanding and reassurance that you have heard my prayers and will answer. I am weighed down with worry and ask you to lift this burden from me.
I can't deal with the 24/7 mental torture and the physical illnesses which cause such horrendous pain. So I ask to be set free from all this In the name of Jesus by whose blood we are cleansed and by whose stripes we are healed. Amen