Beloved of All
Dear LORD, Yeshua Hamaschiach, blessed Farher YHVH… This day I thank Thee and I agree with all agreers here for Thy blessed wisdom. I acknowledge YOU and you alone as the provider of witty inventions. I humbly affirm that Thou hast created my brain, the marvelous instrument which man can only begin to study despite decades of medical research, he can only learn the tip of the proverbial iceberg on Thy marvelous invention which Thou hast placed in ALL OF US, and which dwarfs the abilities of modern computers. Glory to Thy name! I acknowledge that Thou and Thou alone hast given man consciousness and the ability to think. OH Father, I am so thankful for the ability to think thoughts! What a gracious, marvelous gift! What an amazing, astounding gift Thou hast given to me and to mankind, although most abuse it!! Therefore, I praise Thee for an abundance of witty inventions (wisdom) to enable me to navigate the challenges of life. Please be in my mind and thoughts, for Thy GENIUS is unmatched as demonstrated in Thy creation of the earth and universe and all its multitudinous MARVELS!! Dear Father I see Thy genius EVERYWHERE I look! Even in something simple as a delicious apple. When I look at it and taste it, I am amazed at your genius in putting tiny seeds in it, each of which contains within them the potential of another apple tree producing millions of more beautiful apples each with seeds of their own producing more in fruitfulness into infinite!! What incredible genius Thou hast put into designing the DNA of that apple and the BLUEPRINT that makes it all possible!! OH LORD, I look at hundreds of other things on this earth that display Thy wisdom and unfathomable utter genius! Everything from the tiniest Insect to the most massive whales!!! The lovely scent of the flowers in my garden to the precision of the sun and planets and stars in their mathematically perfect orbits!!! The way of the ant and the bees!!! The way birds are able to navigate easily through the air, or fish can swim in the ocean!! Even the genius that I see in my amazing cat and her astounding athletic prowess, to the loyalty and LOVE you put into the heart of my dog!! Oh LORD, Thou art very great!!! Dear LORD, I ask Thee for to be prolific in witty inventions so that I may navigate my daily challenges and that I may prosper in the earth, in Jesus name. If any man gives me credit for “genius,” I will give that credit back to Thee, the Designer of my thinking organ; my BRAIN!! I can do NOTHING without Thee! We know from Your Bible that Thou can lift up a man and set him with princes, or Thou can’st cause him to become as a beast and eat grass like an ox!!! Therefore we HUMBLE OURSELVES before Thee for Thy irresistible SOVEREIGNTY!!! Thou and thou alone art GOD!!!! Thou can’st welcome in or cast out!!! Help me daily and prosper me in all things, please! Pour out Thy abundant wisdom into my brain, soul, mind, heart, and spirit!! Help me in my chess studies! Help me in my reading! Help me in my guitar studies! Help me on my saxophone! Help me in my thespian pursuits! Help me in my origami! Help me in my drawing and painting! Help me in my home improvement projects! Help me in my financial endeavors! Help me in my entrepreneurial passions! Help me in raising my children! Help me in my efforts to improve my dietary choices!! There is no match for Thy matchless wisdom and genius!! My own “genius” is TINY compared to Thy grand ability to solve ANY CHALLENGE!! Glory to God! Hallelujah!! Help me in my many other pursuits which are too numerous to mention!! I KNOW that in a single day Thou can’st utterly change my life and circumstances!! In less than 24 hours Thou can’st do more than I on my own, depending on my own self can do in YEARS!!!! I offer Thee praise and I ask this petition today in Jesus’ name.