Few challenges faced by a Christian family are:
1. Not listening to God’s call
The book of Genesis depicts a man, who was created above all other creatures, later on hiding behind the bushes when God calls him by his name to see his state.
It is mentioned that Adam was hiding from God.
We should also introspect whether we too are hiding when God calls us.
2. Not heeding to the calls of our brethren
Amidst our busy schedule, we have time only to worry about ourselves. We do not have time for our fellow beings.
In Holy Bible, we read about Andrew who brings his brother to Yeshuva (Jesus).
This is a clear model for us to emulate. We should know that it is our duty to lead our brothers to God rather than
leaving them behind.
If we cannot see our brother who is close by, we cannot see the invisible God.
3. Homes are not built
A great challenge that Christian families face today is that their homes are not built. “If God does not build homes,
our efforts are futile; If God does not protect the town, the vigil by the security is futile.”
If our houses are to be transformed into Christian homes, they have to be built by God.
If the sanctity, sacredness, peace, order and tranquility of homes are lost, then the parents should give utmost importance to restore the same.
4. Over influence of media
We are living in a time which is highly influenced by the media. We should not forget that media has a major share
in misleading today’s youth.
Though technologies like internet, mobile phones and other modern means have
improved our comfort, there are lots of options for people to be misguided by these same means.
We do not realize that the mushrooming channels on television do not give any importance to moral values.
5. Marriage – nowadays marriage is becoming a means for showoff
Marriage is the sacrament through which God unites a man with woman.
St.Matthew 19:6 says, “So they are no
longer two, but one. Man must not separate then what God has joined together.” But today marriage ceremony has become a pageantry to show off.
Christians should approach marriage ceremony understanding the sanctity of
God’s calling.
Marriage being the first step to family life, everybody should approach marriage life with care, preparation and prayer.
Yeshuva is The "Way Truth Life"
1. Not listening to God’s call
The book of Genesis depicts a man, who was created above all other creatures, later on hiding behind the bushes when God calls him by his name to see his state.
It is mentioned that Adam was hiding from God.
We should also introspect whether we too are hiding when God calls us.
2. Not heeding to the calls of our brethren
Amidst our busy schedule, we have time only to worry about ourselves. We do not have time for our fellow beings.
In Holy Bible, we read about Andrew who brings his brother to Yeshuva (Jesus).
This is a clear model for us to emulate. We should know that it is our duty to lead our brothers to God rather than
leaving them behind.
If we cannot see our brother who is close by, we cannot see the invisible God.
3. Homes are not built
A great challenge that Christian families face today is that their homes are not built. “If God does not build homes,
our efforts are futile; If God does not protect the town, the vigil by the security is futile.”
If our houses are to be transformed into Christian homes, they have to be built by God.
If the sanctity, sacredness, peace, order and tranquility of homes are lost, then the parents should give utmost importance to restore the same.
4. Over influence of media
We are living in a time which is highly influenced by the media. We should not forget that media has a major share
in misleading today’s youth.
Though technologies like internet, mobile phones and other modern means have
improved our comfort, there are lots of options for people to be misguided by these same means.
We do not realize that the mushrooming channels on television do not give any importance to moral values.
5. Marriage – nowadays marriage is becoming a means for showoff
Marriage is the sacrament through which God unites a man with woman.
St.Matthew 19:6 says, “So they are no
longer two, but one. Man must not separate then what God has joined together.” But today marriage ceremony has become a pageantry to show off.
Christians should approach marriage ceremony understanding the sanctity of
God’s calling.
Marriage being the first step to family life, everybody should approach marriage life with care, preparation and prayer.
Yeshuva is The "Way Truth Life"
