Humble Servant of All
As I'm doing tailoring course. Since 30th Jan. Every day I go for tailoring class. My batch mates are going ahead. I'm still lacking behind. They're able to stich clothes. I'm still not able to stich clothes. Still I can't make it. Still I don't know how to insert Needle. I'm not able to move the wheel. Thread breaks Evey time. i can't stich. I feel so frustrate . Feels sad. I feel like crying. Why I'm not able to do tailoring?! Why I'm not able to stich. Some time I feel like giving up the tailoring course. Cos I'm not able to do anything
. When will I learn?
. Simply time is running out, at least i wanto know the basic for now. All of my batch mates are doing well. Only me not able to do still. I need pray request for me. For help. For knowledge and guidance. For understanding. For patience. To learn the basic soon. To understand everything with mind. Today I'm going to tailoring class. I'm worried from now on wards. What'll happen today. Still I'll be sitting simply or Will i able to stitch or not. Wt to do.whn i think about all this. Get worried
. Bro n sis do pray for me so that I can do tailoring we'll. In Jesus name Amen.