Beloved of All
Thank you so much God for all you have done for me, and all that you are continuing to do. I'm so grateful for you dear God, and I'm so grateful for my Lord and Savior and the sacrifice he made for me and us all. I have an insane hunger to learn your word and to grow more and more in service to you. I continue to pray for your protection, wisdom and for you to lead me and guide me dear God to where I should go, and what your will is ultimately for me. All is for your glory dear Heavenly Father. Every decision, every choice I make. All of it. This world and this life is so temporary and time is fleeting. But your kingdom, and a life led by You Heavenly Father, is forever. My duty here is to serve you and honor your purpose for me. Thank you for all the lessons, all the joys, all the pain, as they have brought me to where I am today. In my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ's precious name. Amen~