Disciple of Prayer
I have a prayer request for the leaders according to 1 Timothy 2:1–2 to pray for everyone who in the highest positions in governments, ministries, political positions to get wisdom to know the difference between Christians and non-Christians. People in the west are blind and they don't know that some people are called Arabic speakers and they are not Arabs, many know but the most don't know the difference. It seems to be a strange message! The religion is the problem, The religion commands them to kill and to make sacrifices of people to get the reward in paradise. That religion that exists in the Middle Eastern countries and there are a minority of people aren't belonging to that religion. This religion originally came from the Arabian Peninsula and expanded to the world. Many people are victims of the old invasions when they were forced to speak in such a language because they didn't want to be killed and now we pay a high price. We don't hate Muslims but we speak the same language and we hold the same passport. However, our mentality is not the same, our traditions are not the same, our culture is not the same. Not only born again Christians but also the others who don't have Christ in their hearts and they just practice traditions in the churches but they didn't get born again. The religion plays a big role in building the thoughts, the religion has a big role in cultures. Our Jesus doesn't ask us to kill to defend ourselves, we get silent and he will reply, we forgive and pray. People know exactly the identity of a country like Egypt like Lebanon, like Syria. However, the people who belong to that religion are the majority and only Christians in the Middle East can understand and release that there are a connection between the religion of Muhammed and the Arabic language. Yes, the Quran has been translated to all languages. However, everybody who worships the God of Muhammed must learn Arabic, there are strong ties between Arabic and Islam, and that issue could be understood only by Christians who speak Arabic as a native language. I'm not racist or a hater but I want God to open the eyes of people who are in governments to know the difference. Why? I can get rejected in a job due to my nationality, I can even get rejected in a job in my own country because I'm not Muslim. Both are disasters. I want God to dominate the events, especially after what happened in Germany and ISIS claimed responsibility for what happened by the Jihadist guy. The next days, the elections of the USA will be held and we need to pray for God to control all the events to confirm his will on Earth because the United States has a big effect on the world. If something happens in the United States, all the world will be shaken and affected. I need God to open a door for me to have a job but I'm afraid of discrimination due to my native language, due to the ugly behaviors happening every day from Jihadists in Germany, and before in France, Spain, and the United States. What should I do? I'm not Arab and I speak a native Arabic language, Egyptian Arabic is not pure Arabic like in the Arabian area but nobody knows it. Racism could be against Africans as well, it could exist between some nations due to historical issues but I'm worried about my future. I need God's hand to move and save me! That's all I need.