Beloved of All
Will you consider praying this prayer for those who call themselves sex addicted on my behalf? We are able to love from a distance. You are going forward, not backward. Pray and send your ex peace every time you think of him. Go through the pain; it's the best way to deal with it. You are not alone.
On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 02:54:10 PM MDT, ### wrote: Hey guys. So I’ve been sober for almost three months now and my ex decided to text me out of nowhere and ask for a chance at redemption even though he knows I’m with someone else. I have previously cheated on my partner with my ex and he knew that I was with someone else. I want to give in so badly but I need someone to tell me that I’m doing the right thing by blocking him. I want to tell my fiancé about my ex reaching out but I am afraid to. I haven’t seen my ex or have had sex with him since my sober streak and I don’t want to cave but I have a soft spot for my ex because we were together for 5 years and I still love and care about him a lot. So please reach out and give me words of encouragement and support! I really need it now. - ### Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. You automatically follow any topics you start or reply to. View/Reply Online (#3577) | Reply To Group | Mute This Topic | New Topic
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I do not talk to men unnecessarily. Any man other than my husband is like poison.
On Tue, Jun 4, 2024, 4:54 PM ### via wrote: Hey guys. So I’ve been sober for almost three months now and my ex decided to text me out of nowhere and ask for a chance at redemption even though he knows I’m with someone else. I have previously cheated on my partner with my ex and he knew that I was with someone else. I want to give in so badly but I need someone to tell me that I’m doing the right thing by blocking him. I want to tell my fiancé about my ex reaching out but I am afraid to. I haven’t seen my ex or have had sex with him since my sober streak and I don’t want to cave but I have a soft spot for my ex because we were together for 5 years and I still love and care about him a lot. So please reach out and give me words of encouragement and support! I really need it now. - ### Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. You automatically follow any topics you start or reply to. View/Reply Online (#3578) | Reply To Group | Unfollow This Topic | New Topic
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In prayer and in repentance I ask the Holy Spirit permission (I am always protected with permission + I get permission when living in surrendered submission) to confess that in every act that united me, connected me with another I was willingly wrong (I choose the word immoral). Every act. Even in my legal marriage I was wrong in the act because I saw it as powerful from putting genitals together and not as an exclusive act representing the union in sight of the Holy Spirit. I thought putting genitals together created the union and that was backwards. Because of the exclusivity of the union with permission we became able to unite first in spirit, then conversation, emotions, and finally after getting permission in our bodies. Therefore I went to my exes, 1 time and 1 time only with a time limit after asking permission and I said to them may I make a confession, I live in a binary world which means right or wrong. I was wrong in everything. I was not following God. Even when I thought I was 'doing good' I was wrong (I discovered this in my 4th step) I used you to get my emotional needs. I was going to you to fill my spiritual void that only God can and has filled. In your presence I ask God to take over. Is it impossible to go back here to the past where I was following the flesh of my flesh where I was trying to make what is temporary and dying, my ego and feelings to name 2, into something eternal, into something greater than it was, everything I did and thought was wrong and in fact everything I have even thought of you since then it has only been to try and make what is dead alive when I do not have that power. Even every time I have thought about you it has been to try to make myself right in my wrong this is my confession I am wrong in everything may I ask God to come in here? This is too big for me. In fact I don't even have words to fix it. Even my words have no power. Therefore in your presence, setting your part aside, in my admittance I ask God to forgive. I know you do not have that power. And I will stand in your presence for this few seconds if you wish to set aside my part and ask God for forgiveness because I do not have that power. In other words forgive with God's forgiveness. If we could forgive we already would have. But God can. To get my ego out of the way I am going to offer God the letter and ask Him through the power of the Holy Spirit to put them into the words He would speak here for this is too much for me. This is all I have. I do not have the power. I have only the letters (the building blocks, I am dust and dust from dust, of my own all I can make is dust- God please bring life to this dust) with the power of the Holy Spirit I offer these letters to God please take these letters from my hands my feet my voice and arrange them into the words you are speaking here into this situation I turn completely to the Lord in full surrender in the presence of this other person that God's divine plan and order and will may be done in sight. Alef (א) Bet (ב) Gimel (ג) Dalet (ד) Heh (ה) Vav (ו) Zayin (ז) Khet (ח) Tet (ת) Yud (י) Kaf (ק) Lamed (ל) Mem (מ) Nun (נ) Samekh (ס) Ayin (ע) Peh (פ) Tzadi(k) (צ) Qof (ק) Resh (ר) Shin (ש) Tav (ת) these are the letters God used to write the laws on the tablets if they were divine then will you be willing to consider putting them in divine order now to speak your powerful words of God that you would choose into this situation. Thank you Lord God Father of, , , , , , my savior, savior of those who come before me in that order and Heavenly Father of those who have come behind me in your divine order. This is the prayer request we are answering.
Hey guys. So I’ve been sober for almost three months now and my ex decided to text me out of nowhere and ask for a chance at redemption even though he knows I’m with someone else. I have previously cheated on my partner with my ex and he knew that I was with someone else. I want to give in so badly but I need someone to tell me that I’m doing the right thing by blocking him. I want to tell my fiancé about my ex reaching out but I am afraid to. I haven’t seen my ex or have had sex with him since my sober streak and I don’t want to cave but I have a soft spot for my ex because we were together for 5 years and I still love and care about him a lot. So please reach out and give me words of encouragement and support! I really need it now.
On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 02:54:10 PM MDT, ### wrote: Hey guys. So I’ve been sober for almost three months now and my ex decided to text me out of nowhere and ask for a chance at redemption even though he knows I’m with someone else. I have previously cheated on my partner with my ex and he knew that I was with someone else. I want to give in so badly but I need someone to tell me that I’m doing the right thing by blocking him. I want to tell my fiancé about my ex reaching out but I am afraid to. I haven’t seen my ex or have had sex with him since my sober streak and I don’t want to cave but I have a soft spot for my ex because we were together for 5 years and I still love and care about him a lot. So please reach out and give me words of encouragement and support! I really need it now. - ### Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. You automatically follow any topics you start or reply to. View/Reply Online (#3577) | Reply To Group | Mute This Topic | New Topic
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I do not talk to men unnecessarily. Any man other than my husband is like poison.
On Tue, Jun 4, 2024, 4:54 PM ### via wrote: Hey guys. So I’ve been sober for almost three months now and my ex decided to text me out of nowhere and ask for a chance at redemption even though he knows I’m with someone else. I have previously cheated on my partner with my ex and he knew that I was with someone else. I want to give in so badly but I need someone to tell me that I’m doing the right thing by blocking him. I want to tell my fiancé about my ex reaching out but I am afraid to. I haven’t seen my ex or have had sex with him since my sober streak and I don’t want to cave but I have a soft spot for my ex because we were together for 5 years and I still love and care about him a lot. So please reach out and give me words of encouragement and support! I really need it now. - ### Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. You automatically follow any topics you start or reply to. View/Reply Online (#3578) | Reply To Group | Unfollow This Topic | New Topic
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In prayer and in repentance I ask the Holy Spirit permission (I am always protected with permission + I get permission when living in surrendered submission) to confess that in every act that united me, connected me with another I was willingly wrong (I choose the word immoral). Every act. Even in my legal marriage I was wrong in the act because I saw it as powerful from putting genitals together and not as an exclusive act representing the union in sight of the Holy Spirit. I thought putting genitals together created the union and that was backwards. Because of the exclusivity of the union with permission we became able to unite first in spirit, then conversation, emotions, and finally after getting permission in our bodies. Therefore I went to my exes, 1 time and 1 time only with a time limit after asking permission and I said to them may I make a confession, I live in a binary world which means right or wrong. I was wrong in everything. I was not following God. Even when I thought I was 'doing good' I was wrong (I discovered this in my 4th step) I used you to get my emotional needs. I was going to you to fill my spiritual void that only God can and has filled. In your presence I ask God to take over. Is it impossible to go back here to the past where I was following the flesh of my flesh where I was trying to make what is temporary and dying, my ego and feelings to name 2, into something eternal, into something greater than it was, everything I did and thought was wrong and in fact everything I have even thought of you since then it has only been to try and make what is dead alive when I do not have that power. Even every time I have thought about you it has been to try to make myself right in my wrong this is my confession I am wrong in everything may I ask God to come in here? This is too big for me. In fact I don't even have words to fix it. Even my words have no power. Therefore in your presence, setting your part aside, in my admittance I ask God to forgive. I know you do not have that power. And I will stand in your presence for this few seconds if you wish to set aside my part and ask God for forgiveness because I do not have that power. In other words forgive with God's forgiveness. If we could forgive we already would have. But God can. To get my ego out of the way I am going to offer God the letter and ask Him through the power of the Holy Spirit to put them into the words He would speak here for this is too much for me. This is all I have. I do not have the power. I have only the letters (the building blocks, I am dust and dust from dust, of my own all I can make is dust- God please bring life to this dust) with the power of the Holy Spirit I offer these letters to God please take these letters from my hands my feet my voice and arrange them into the words you are speaking here into this situation I turn completely to the Lord in full surrender in the presence of this other person that God's divine plan and order and will may be done in sight. Alef (א) Bet (ב) Gimel (ג) Dalet (ד) Heh (ה) Vav (ו) Zayin (ז) Khet (ח) Tet (ת) Yud (י) Kaf (ק) Lamed (ל) Mem (מ) Nun (נ) Samekh (ס) Ayin (ע) Peh (פ) Tzadi(k) (צ) Qof (ק) Resh (ר) Shin (ש) Tav (ת) these are the letters God used to write the laws on the tablets if they were divine then will you be willing to consider putting them in divine order now to speak your powerful words of God that you would choose into this situation. Thank you Lord God Father of, , , , , , my savior, savior of those who come before me in that order and Heavenly Father of those who have come behind me in your divine order. This is the prayer request we are answering.
Hey guys. So I’ve been sober for almost three months now and my ex decided to text me out of nowhere and ask for a chance at redemption even though he knows I’m with someone else. I have previously cheated on my partner with my ex and he knew that I was with someone else. I want to give in so badly but I need someone to tell me that I’m doing the right thing by blocking him. I want to tell my fiancé about my ex reaching out but I am afraid to. I haven’t seen my ex or have had sex with him since my sober streak and I don’t want to cave but I have a soft spot for my ex because we were together for 5 years and I still love and care about him a lot. So please reach out and give me words of encouragement and support! I really need it now.