Beloved of All
Wife and Her Friend Playing Cards with Single Man Next Door. Big-Time Red Flags for Me. After she did it the first time when I was there and her friend, they did it a 2nd time and I clearly told her it's not healthy to play cards with a single man with no girlfriend who lives next door at a beach camp. They did it again today and I flipped out. A spirit of Jealousy came over me and I confess I yelled at her (For jealousy enrages a husband, and he will show no mercy in the day of vengeance Prov 6:34). I told her to "find a married couple to play cards with but not with the single guy next door!" My wife is extremely good looking. I confess anger and the outburst of rage. I feel like drinking but won't. We have been married four months and she is 1 month pregnant. A little late, but I detect a spirit of adultery on her. I don't believe she's done anything yet. I am older than she but obviously I am still potent since we are expecting. Her friend lives next door to her brother and sister-in-law. They play cards, too. I personally don't like playing cards, call me religious but I think it's a waste of time. I guess I can learn if God would rather have us play cards than study the Bible and pray. Please bring this to the prayer team and bind, loose and cast out as lead by The Holy Spirit. Thank you in Jesus' Name.