I have been going through a hard time this days. Covid is all around and lost of people are getting infected. I prayed to God to heal all of them and then satan came to my house and send sicknes of all kinds to me so I will stop praying for them. Jesus was tempted in the dessert when He was fasting and praying before God. Right after the Lord was baptized by John the Baptist, He was tempted 3 times. Once he was triying to trip to Him physically, the second time He was tried psychologically, the third time He temped with material possestions and riches of the earth.
If You bow down and worship me, then I will give you all these things. Riches of the earth. Jesus answered. satan, stay away from Me, for it is written, thou shall serve the Lord and Him alone shall thou serve.
Matt. 4. 9,10
So, if Jesus was tempted so many times and overcame the devils temptations, we, as His dear childre should do the samething. Casting out form our life, our home and our environment. This uninvited guest want us all to miss our way to heaven. Do not let him do this to you.
Know that as often as you come to Me.
Says the Lord.
Humble yourself before His holy presence.
In humility and love.
Ask the Lord to deliver you from satans tamptations.
I will pour out blessings upon blessing to those who ask.
Deliverance cometh from Me.
Says the Lord.
When satan comes along your life,
Call on the Lord.
He will take away all burdens from your life.
Pray that you will not fall into temption, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Matt. 26.41
If You bow down and worship me, then I will give you all these things. Riches of the earth. Jesus answered. satan, stay away from Me, for it is written, thou shall serve the Lord and Him alone shall thou serve.
Matt. 4. 9,10
So, if Jesus was tempted so many times and overcame the devils temptations, we, as His dear childre should do the samething. Casting out form our life, our home and our environment. This uninvited guest want us all to miss our way to heaven. Do not let him do this to you.
Know that as often as you come to Me.
Says the Lord.
Humble yourself before His holy presence.
In humility and love.
Ask the Lord to deliver you from satans tamptations.
I will pour out blessings upon blessing to those who ask.
Deliverance cometh from Me.
Says the Lord.
When satan comes along your life,
Call on the Lord.
He will take away all burdens from your life.
Pray that you will not fall into temption, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Matt. 26.41