Dear sister, I understand your feelings. I pray that you find yourself husband and live with him. For now, be patient, wait on the Lord. Put on the full armor of God. Instead of seeing it as a problem see it as a opportunity. Can you answer hate with love? Can you bless them when they wrong you? Do you repay evil with evil or evil with good? It's a tough challenge. If you fall, dont worry, dont be sad. Rise up again, you will soon have an other chance to practise your armor of God.
It's hard now but it produced patience. It makes things easier afterwards. It makes you more enjoyable for your husband.
If you are able, go find yourself some job - it would give you 8 hours a day rest of parents. If you are young go to university and live in dormitory - it would give you even more rest from parents.
PS: make sure you marry to right guy. If you marry to first guy you meet just to get free from your parents you might regret your choice later. Have patience, and choose wisely.
For example, I am in need of wife and I have wanted to have her for 4 years. I know that with worldly dating service I could get someone in matter of months. But I dont take this opportunity because I know that their lifestyle would sooner or later become burden for me. I wouldnt enjoy relationship with one who celebrates friday nights with drinks, I wouldnt enjoy worldly music, they wouldnt enjoy worship music. They might not be interested in God, I might not agree with their views. You see, it's tempting as it is quick fix, but in long term I would feel her as a burden. Even Bible says not to be unequally yoked with unbeliever.
So pray and act. But what ever you do, do with wisdom, thinkΒ what would it bring in future. This is my desire for you that you would do well. Remember, parents are temporary. You will either marry to someone or there will be some other way you get rid of them. But if you choose your husband poorly, you will feel just as bad in your own life than in your current life.