Roger Faulk
Disciple of Prayer
Why has humanity suffered so much? Because of the multi-tasking for the Freedom of independence and the importance of the freewill we are born with. Even though our Creator has all power and parental guidance, he wants to assure our Freedom is a real Freewill not only for us but also for him and that we can know and experience without causing harm. I and God consider the threat of losing a family member, unforgiveable, thus the unconditonal love of a parent and the perfection in which GOD is working. We have enough real harm to fulfill God’s threats, or just wait and something will happen to cause worry and fear. Identifying the mental works that God must address. When all have returned and accounted for, the shame and regret will decrease and forgiveness will come with reasoning and time. Born free, really means born free, as long as no harm is done intentually. Earn and learn? Yes he wants us to know, at the first thought of eternity, the fix all, save all and save all, fix all, should have to be our knowledge, after all, you have all time to succeed in these works, regardless the powers that be. He wants us to know love equals care and care equals love and death is no excuse, confirmed by Jonah and Jesus. Thus the pattern of unconditional love for the family at it’s best and the earn and learn to protect and serve. Talk is the walk and I am willing to do this, because of my passion for our family. Fix all with all time available is a simple answer for the family that is and has been from the very beginning. Shame and regret will last only a short time over such matters, when it comes show this truth of the family you thought were lost. The gratitude and appreciation of this rehabilatation will cause a dance of joy. I have begged from the time of my youth, for the all of humanity and the animals of my nature. I know and feel their feelings much like I do for the all of us. I imagine and dream of their thoughts, as though they where mine. I imagine and dream of God’s thoughts, in this same manner. I try to make it on what I have learned and real on what I have dreamed. I pray that God has picked the wheat of my thoughts from the chaff. I know you where not asked to be born and I know you will not be asked to be reborn, I do wish to know what we are going to be reborn from, is it the aura are the flesh that knows not have the ability to heal itself? Thus, a rescue that will happen, regardless what you believe, made new and perfected with mercy, grace and the art of a true artist. Your seeing this in gratitude and appreciation will give God a reward of joy and pride in the works he has done. It takes 4 cornerstones to emulate a room are house, thus 4 cornerstones for the footstool for our Lord Jesus and his humanity. This means 4 earths counting our own, tracking in a fashion to be as secure as our own earth without affecting one another. I personally believe they have been built like a soul, with missing molecules to were they can't be seen by us, but grow like us. Thus giving us the paradise for enjoyment and a place to wait after death for the great return. Places of play, for us as children and excitements of learning each other as we mingle with joy. Hey, if you are going to dream, dream big. "chuckle" Look to the skies for the amazement of our Creator's works. They will come to light as the return of our families begin their return and the transformations from old to new begin the works of perfection. At least you'll get a good laugh over a crazyman's mind. I bet God wishes he would have thought of this. At the arrival of Jesus will come his glory of our entire family, from the beginning to the now, trickling backward like Moses did with tapping on the rock for the springs of water. Jesus did say he was coming back with glory and glory to me and you is the whole family, from the beginning to the now that we are at. In the past of our ancestors in layers of generations as rooms become available, they will come in an orderly manner as built. The cry of their children will cause us to govern our works to do the best we can build and a governing of our speed to match. The strange light that we now call the aura is probably the strange lights that Jesus spoke of. This may be the evidence of God with every living creature, which in these times we have equipment that can now see these lights called auras. The results of his works are only seen as told and told as seen. The statement made by Jesus to Pilate was, you wouldn’t be doing what you or doing if it wasn’t for God positioning us. Not only written in the gospel, but also in the archives of Roman Law. God takes full responsibility for the sorrows we've been through and feels the shame. The positions that God’s prophets sent us into, are also results of God’s works to achieve his agendas. This in itself will aid and serve mercy with our made new bodies and those you thought lost will be found safe and sound, exposing the snares and the freedoms we have, as a generous amount of love he has for us. The freedoms that cause no harm is easily seen as such and useful in getting to know one another. When we come to the snares that involved the forsaken of another should have been recognized as a snare and taught as such with a rebuttal exposing this as such. This is a shame we must learn and have earned as this should have been a rebuke at the beginning as the first sickness came forth as an excuse until we learned the fix. To me, that has been our shame for all the world to see, without the words salvation for all, for all salvation, especially when you have forever to accomplish this work. Why was eternity not used as a tool in the human mind, the heap of hope would abound for the fix of present and assured for the future? We could have always said shame and presented the future as a comfort for all. I think this was and is a mindset that we mostly use in our everyday thoughts. I believe their are more good people than bad and has always been that way. Like always, the bad have gotten more news and stories, kind of making us all look bad. My guess it may have interfered with God’s speed on advancement at a speed he thought best in the advancement of civilization. Our Father Who Art in Heaven knows what he has done for the results of his works, good and bad, they were always done to accomplish a certain work for a specific need or needs in the shepherding our civilization into this future. That’s why the innocent lambs for sacrifice, to show the importance and the safety they and we are in, leading the way for Jonah and Jesus. The tough love of "Father forgive them, they know not, what they do," is a mercy of unconditional love. One is taken, another is left, as a rapture that has been happening ever since the beginning of flesh and blood. Now is the time Jesus and the glory of our families come home, where now is always now. We have the five senses to enjoy and appreciate, with the freedom of voice and independence on governing the depths of their usage. The word of consent is important, not only for one’s self but also for the involvement of others. You were not asked to be born and you will not be asked to be reborn, it will just happen, like the first born. Much has been done, to achieve diversity in many manners and many numbers. To earn and learn on one’s own ability pleases our Creator with much pride. We have more freedom than we know, which will be seen as those we thought lost coming back with Jesus, as his glory. When we have health and eternity to reach and teach the all of this family will be a glory as self-evident. We will still have the judicial system of do the crime, do the time, after all, we have eternity to work with and the righteous freedoms exposed with the real words of Jesus. The end result is still the same, all salvation and salvation for all. You will enjoy the seasoning and the each other that we have become. You will enjoy the reach and teach of catching the pursuit of happiness and the history we have made. Why are you afraid of asking our Father for anything that would help our creation? He knows what is best and the wheat from the chaff. Do not be afraid to ask, regardless what others think. We are sheep to the slaughter, including Jonah and Jesus. The scripture Jesus studied was the old testament and of course, we study Jesus himself in his creation of the new testament. Jesus said what is done on earth, is done in Heaven, thus implicating the sameness of the two. Like they are only a step from each other, one seen, the other not seen. The earn and learn is always being judged and taught. We have more freedom than we know and the return of our families will prove this. Those you thought lost, will give you much comfort and joy and the mix of shame for believing the lost will happen and cause happiness and relief. Much is wrong with our interpretations of the scriptures with many snares and that is why they are there, to shame us into not looking for the good of what our God has created for us, and to test our efforts in finding solutions. The rehabilitation of many will also prove this when we go against these as we debate positions and interpretations as we argue to those that are against the freedoms and freedom of independence “OUR FATHER” has bestowed upon us. With Jesus and Jonah’s unconditional love, I will take this walk of care and all the feelings between. I’ve written my own Gospel like all are my family and I’m in my own war in my own head.” Chuckle” I’m much too old for mortal combat and it’s this paper is too long to trespass on others, so this is only an outline of debate. I know many do not want to discuss these matters, but to know all kin are safe, sound and fixable, with all-time available should give all a great comfort. I feel the great comfort after writing this and the peace of mind as my reward. Revenge will be a big problem and I wonder how people forgave Paul or Saul who had done many wrongs before his joining the group as a Disciple. I’ve heard that many have a problem with GOD’S name. Just call GOD “FATHER” regardless what you call him now, he knows who he is and “FATHER” covers it all. Lose one member of the Family, you have lost the meaning of family and that is our FATHER’S dedication to fix and save, even if it takes a million years. If I didn’t convince you yesterday or today, I’ll convince you tomorrow, with his abilities this will not be a problem. There will always be a tomorrow when you have eternity to work with. Jesus said he will come in many names, and that will have to suffice, knowing him makes me think he has suffered every harm that has ever happened. He's the type that would not put you through anything that he would not do himself. His witness are those he brought to see, to confirm his actions. Jesus said look to the skies for the strange lights and yes we have seen them. The aura that surrounds every living creature is probably the strange light that Jesus spoke of as a meaning of, Our Father is with us, even unto death to show he would not put us in a position that he would not do to himself. That is why Jesus said to pray for thine enemy not only for the flesh and blood as a victim but also for Our Father who positioned us. The auras may be what we are suppose to be reborn from. Like I said I could be wrong, much of what I write is from what I might do, in my wild imagination. The image in my early 30's is a real happening that I can't escape. Our Father knows your pain and who is giving it, thus pray for thy neighbors regardless the position. God will not harm us more than he would harm himself thus the hardening of his heart towards our position and his concern about the positions he puts us in. This hardening of heart causes me much concern. This could be acts of boredom and bitterness, after all, he knew our positions of joy to come after death. Death being are only escape from the auras that have been with us from the very beginning. But, the aura may be exactly what we need. I'm sure we'll eventually find out, one way are another. Adam and Eve were told, not to eat the fruit of a certain tree. Eve thought over and over about this. With exploritoy curioisty she ate of this fruit, our first science of trial and error. She waited to see what would happen to her, before approaching Adam. With courage and unconditional love, Adam also ate of this fruit. They were in a time were they didn't know God was everywhere and knew what was going on. I believe he was pleased with this self-earn and learn in the progress of his children in freewill and freedom of independence. Lot’s wife showed unconditional love, courage, and freedom of independence, by her witness as her neighbors were being destroyed. Remember Jesus saying love thy neighbor? Those where his yesterday's words and some of her family may have also been involved. This must have impressed our Father and his son Jesus. They allowed her story to reach the future with a yesterday’s works and a yesterday’s word. As Jesus said we are the salt of the earth, not only for survival and seasoning but also to give her honor. I do not know how much pain she suffered as she turned into a pillar of salt, but put salt on a small wound you may have and learn a little. She did this regardless who gave the command, her husband are God himself. Again Our Father was surely pleased with this self-earned and self-learned process of her righteousness.