I hear most unsaved people talk, and they think death is the solution to certain problems.When one of their loved ones is in a bad physical situation, right away they start talking about "withdrawing treatment" and "letting them go" already.Hospices are big business,and them and their "fans" are proud to say they "put the people out of their misery."Euthanasia, ,which not only gives people up to death like hospice, but actually kills the person, is popular.Everyone thinks death is "the easy way out."But look what the Bible says--"therefore the last ENEMY[the last what?}the last ENEMY death is to be swallowed up in victory.""For as in Adam all die so through Christ all were made ALIVE.""And there will be no more DEATH[the unsaved persons friend} neither will there be mourning, outcry or pain.For the former things have passed away."{"In the day you eat of it{a sin}you will DIE."{Doesn't sound like a reward, like these unsaved peoplewho think it's so wonderful.}So why do most most unsaved people hype it up, like they think it's an escape from problems?Maybe these self destructive tendencys come from the devil.