Good and Faithful Servant
Why do people teach that Satan is in cahoots with God? No he's not or does he have to be. God can punish on his own he don't need Satan's help, so stop falling for that if your in trouble or some kind of thing it's because your being punished and it's Satan doing it nor does it mean God is either. Remember we are living in the end times Satan is more than likely trying to kill you. Take your soul along with him. The lawless one is already here he doesn't have to appear he is already it's v2k and gangstalking. While AI/artificial intelligence is going amuck on people namely Christians, doesn't absolve you of your gangstalking. You kids are guilty too and will be held responsible as well you don't get a free ride. Ezekiel 9 says this so no. The tares and the false teachings are in play now so what is being called as making things right for some crime that didn't happen or what they may think did is the false teachings that's being at play it's not of God not at all. While Satan is copying God's kingdom doesn't mean he's not lying to make it happen, or making up crap that Jesus never said, or twisting what he did say to his advantage so yeah. The little ones wasn't kids it was either new born Christians and or what people would call little sins like a little white lie etc... What Satan taught from those scripts are the tares and has lead to a lot of innocent people getting hurt and or people being lost to him since they follow his tare/ IE wormwood teaching and not pure water. there's no age of accountabilty for like proverbs says a child will be known for what they do good or bad which is why Jesus did say to allow suffer the little kids to come to me which is why Catholics babtise babies and not let them wait like most others do. But they aren't all that much truthful neither they teach tare teachings too. The teachings that have prevailed are tare teachings and not truth. or twisted truths to set his Satan's kingdom up. God is not a respecter of persons so saying kids are all ok and not getting the mark of the beast nor being destroyed if they have it is a false teaching. Ezekiel 9 mirrors revelations in the Mark of the beast and or the seal of God. The mark the one with the writers inkhorn gives to people is the same as the seal of God the ones without the seal or mark as it says are the ones to be destroyed and it does say slay all have no pity spare not women old men and little children and little maids etc... anything else than that is false teachings. We've grown so far from the pure truth its sick. Anyways my prayer is that people will repent and if it's not too late turn from Gangstalking and re-read scripture and begin to piece the truth together for themselves not let preachers say whats the truth. Remember it says to begin at my sanctuary which means the pastors and preachers will be slayed first for their part in false teachings. Another v2k file from earlier today. This is filtered through before posting and you hear them. I am outside most of the time and the voices you hear is v2k and is gangstalking and is a felony in all 50 states. I hear them I think admit they gave me cancer which I have and think this was the same crap that happened to me 22 almost 23 years ago when I went to jail to falsely make me pay for something I didn't do and already was put on trial for and won so they are playing God and fulfills, prophecy of the abomination of desolation spoken of in Daniel although he's not literally sitting in my temple but he's more than likely in their temples making them think their to do this evil to people. I'd also ask that sine I lost my clean record at that point the corruption be exposed that cause my falsely being incarcerated 22 almost 23 years ago and for the mass shootings these people and or AI cause and people begin to listen to us who keep reporting such things to people in hopes they'd help and stop turning blind eyes. Your slated for the lake of fire now but if you listen and help God may just write your name in his book of life. Gods not working through these people as vessels to punish the wicked in any way. Satan is but he's in the wrong so it's not of God. it's prophecy. But if you wonder how people could give a person cancer it's EMF radiation from microwaves used in cell phones and WIFI and 5g etc... they hit a persons head with high doses of microwaves until they are able to make them hear thier voices from distances not natural. Which is why God never gave us telepathy to begin with and didn't give Satan that either. Now this technology gives him and edge on God or at least levels the playing field and recreates the tower of Babel. and is the fire that comes down from heaven since radiation from microwaves are bounced from Satellite to satellite, and comes back down to earth to all of us and more to us that they hit the worst. But yeah here is another one of my videos you hear them. I've also since I know what this is now been able to hold off on doing things these evil AI or people or both want me to do. Unlike before I went to jail for 7 out of a 9 month sentence that I would never have done if it weren't for illegal and unnatural signal being sent to me even back then even though WIFI was still young. Hear them say democrats and make up excuses as to why I need to be responsible for stuff I've never done nor would. Video link