Beloved of All
My boyfriend of 2 1/2 years and I have been broken up for six months and we have always kept in touch still since his daughters got close with my son. They would still see each other. Recently, we started talking again when he asked me for help for something and I never said no to him, he asked me for another thing and then we started talking again until we got drunk together one night and I went off on him and told him everything I’ve been holding back for the past two months and I thought after that he would never talk to me again, but we started talking and getting close again. He was looking for a place to move to and I was going to move out of our apartment because I can no longer afford it and then I jokingly said let’s be roommates since I still loved him and wanted to be with him. Of course I would love him and his daughters to come stay with us again, but when the first came, he switched and became my only roommate and now he comes and he goes as he pleases and doesn’t speak to me and it’s so coldhearted and what I don’t understand is I put this in God’s hands and I told him he’s gonna lead me to where I’m going to live and why is that back with my ex? If he clearly doesn’t love me anymore I’m hurting. I’m sad and depressed and feel terrible because I take it out on my son... God if this is our future, please help us get through it please please give me the strength to be strong enough to make decisions and say no when I need to say no and stop letting people take advantage of me! please God please don’t let him fall out of love with me. I feel like our relationship can be saved with you God. Please tell me what to do. Please pray for us.