Skin and bones is not so nice. Too much weight on our body is not nice either. Jesus want us all just as He was. Fit to live a life that pleases Him. People with anorexia nervosa they want to have a high level of perfectionism. Become like Barbie or even better. Obsessive compulsive personality trait that will eventually make them sick. Low self steem and many of them try to take their lives. They really need Jesus. All Christians in all congregations should be in prayer for them. Men and women, girls and boys want to be perfect in their bodies so everyone will admire them and want to be with them. If you are rejected and ignored, then you fall into depression and full of anxiety because you feel no one really likes you.
Jesus wants to heal your body, your mind and your soul.
He wants us all happy the way we are because He has made us that way and it is the perfect way for us to be joyful in Him.
Fill my cup Lord, fill it up to the rim. Come and quench this thrist of my soul.
Anorexia nervosa is an illness that Jesus can heal and take away all guilt and stress from your life.
Bread of heaven, fill me till I want no more.
Fill our cup o Lord and make us whole.
Anorexia is, without a doubt, an eating dissorder but it can be cured. Take the hand of the Lord Jesus. He will take you out of the hole satan has brought you in and will take you to a place where you will find peace, joy and happiness in your life. If anyone has rejected you, then Jesus will embrace and love you now and for eternity.
Come unto Me... says the Lord. I will give you rest.
Jesus wants to heal your body, your mind and your soul.
He wants us all happy the way we are because He has made us that way and it is the perfect way for us to be joyful in Him.
Fill my cup Lord, fill it up to the rim. Come and quench this thrist of my soul.
Anorexia nervosa is an illness that Jesus can heal and take away all guilt and stress from your life.
Bread of heaven, fill me till I want no more.
Fill our cup o Lord and make us whole.
Anorexia is, without a doubt, an eating dissorder but it can be cured. Take the hand of the Lord Jesus. He will take you out of the hole satan has brought you in and will take you to a place where you will find peace, joy and happiness in your life. If anyone has rejected you, then Jesus will embrace and love you now and for eternity.
Come unto Me... says the Lord. I will give you rest.