Why not choose non confrontational words. People do not like being called idiots. Masked or non masked is a choice. It should not be used as a division. Mandates are regional, and global. What the norm is in one place it is not in other places. This site is global. Ontario has just had some of their mandates extended. And of course, it will be lifted just prior to provincial election. (I have heard this before!)Why are these idiots still wearing masks? The mandates have been dropped people are trying to give them their freedom back, yet they they chose bondage over freedom. Reminds me of the Jews coming out of Egypt,God brought them out, and they chose to stay.
Ontario's mask mandate extension in high-risk settings being met with mixed reactions
Can you take a guess what will happen after the election, if the right party is not in? The mandates will be extended. This is such a standard maneuver for politician to take; make promises they can't or won't keep; take a lot from the people, then give back so little but not to completely snuff out hope. They promise liberties but it's peppered with tyranny.The problem lies with the authorities who are strongly pushing for everyone to be vaccinated while the vaccine is inefficient. People are getting sick and dying. That includes our children. So the issue becomes trust. How can we trust the benefits of masks when the authority are pushing vaccines that are questionable at best. People who are vaccinated are getting the virus. If the athorities got it wrong on vaccines then maybe they got it wrong on the mask and who knows what else.
Now at a personal level, I will not position myself tightly ařound a group of people without a mask. People hack away and sometimes on the produce in the grocery stores. If they had a mask, I would be happy.
But mask are not the issue. Some vaccinated people are showing symptoms of immune deficiency. I'm more concerned about being around the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. Hundred of doctors are not in agreement with the government's current position. We need to balance our media sources. Don't just listen to state run news.
Everyone is trying to make sense of all this. It is unprecedented. We can't afford to create division. I had warned people that there would be a rift created between the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated; and the compliant and the non-compliant.
Feel free to message me if you need to share.
God is our Truth!