"Because when I called you did not answer..."
I used to sometimes wonder what this city, even this nation, would've been like had, even those connected to my assignment, simply come when called, and done as God commanded, rather than as predicted they would. I didn't have to wonder long. Thankfully God has already provided all answers. As it is written:
Isaiah 48:18 If only you had paid attention to MY commands, your peace would have been like a river,
your well-being like the waves of the sea.
Yet, far too often does man, out of fear of what others will think and/or say, sell God short for "a few crumbs of bread and a handful of barley" (i.e. acceptance, prosperity, and popularity).
"Where is the house you will build unto Me?"
Heaven is His throne and earth is His footstool; no one can build Him a better house than He has already built for himself. Yet man continues to build house to house, taking up multiple city blocks, til there's no room for anyone else. Jesus should never have had to sleep on the streets; I'm almost certain that during his sojourn among us he would've much preferred to have slept in the Temple (in His Father's House here in the earth), where there were many rooms.
Certainly, being a trained carpenter, Jesus could've built His own house. He and his disciples could've even built a whole city, but I believe that the test was for the church. While some churches claim to have no walls, they have plenty of closed, and locked doors.
Judgement must begin at the house of the Lord.
Revelation 3:22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.