Prayer Partner
Whoever keeps trying to kill me along with my own my family Can never get in my Air life mind power again period permanently it's so EVIL it's insane. They know it's not necessary yet they still hire Rebecca Mike Aldridge or whoever they can in the World to do it. They don't get one position of mine period permanently. They can not visit me anymore or come anywhere near me, they and the World have been ripped apart to kill me I'm a good person and a great Mother I will no longer tolerate this behavior. Keep my 3 offspring At a distance because of this behavior it's like I Said unacceptable for my life for my success and I don't want it anywhere near me. Bind Up Satan and Crew Liars that refuse to leave my Neck power bind Up there tools bind Up there evil plans plots IT IS OVER. I get to move on Like I Said away from Senior Sharon Boyd Away from Senior Richard Boyd I don't trust them I don't even trust my own grown ass adults or my God Sons God daughters no one has been loyal to me that I know of in Earth at all. please let me get a FINE ASS GUY for a Soul mate that can stay with me properly that I can fall in love with from the spiritual to the Physical as soon as possible Urgently. I get an income of some kind Urgently so I can get my needs met. I get to call Mary West and speak with her phone since I still don't have a car to use at all no needs met. Whoever keeps killing me and the God movements let them stay as far away from me as possible Urgently. If it is which I think the World and my own Family get them judged every second until it ends that's not permitted that's way to EVIL and makes absolutely NO SENSE at all. For anything or anyone. Let the Leader of Kill me be properly exposed along greatly binded up no movements period permanently ever again towards me absolutely no time with me absolutely none of my power none of my greatness none of my orgasm energy period permanently. Let the Karma come for who keeps making me have no Soul mate at all into existence Bind Up Satan and crew the World let them have no Soul mate absolutely no way to orgasm no vibes into existence with the blood of Jesus Urgently Let my eyes see properly let my vision be cleared up now. Let me have my head on for myself properly now forever into existence with the blood of Jesus Gods will Loosen Verse Jer 50 23 Let the Hammer break the wicked into pieces Just Forever