Prayer Partner
Who the one Evil Entity is is revealed DAVID has no one's air GATE
locked corndog wrong DNA
Heb4:12 Quick and powerful sharper then any two edged sword
hear Stay Sugarland but me singing it all thieves off
of my polarity shift my family our frequency levels Luis Torres has his Karma today and Mark
I always get laid and there's absolutely no rape because I washed the blue quilt no one's business no more drama My mom has her anointing and I do my kids family Joy
of the Lord Always DNA
based God's will Great news Grace with me wedding air with me my family has there wedding air picture perfect life
dreams come true air with me my family has there's DNA
based now no more weird rape from Kaylee a Paula's Ring
let them have no more soul mate areas ever again who ended GODS heart
made it Joke
no head
no knees Hebrews 12:12 Yahweh hates you shake
to death
no way to breathe no way to prosper weapons Isa 54:17 Weapons byeee hit the GATE
the punch
pad struck Luis Pimp hand isn't strong no is his smegals by Stacey and Sandra his wife has no one's Charm
mojo Shield's Favor Joy
period permanently into existence in Jesus name amen