Some people think we should worship Mary because they think she above God because she is the mother. But Mary never ever asked to be worshipped or adored nor asked to be an intercessor for lost souls to enter heaven. Only Jesus intercedes for us before the Father. Gods word is true.
God is Spirit and those who worship God will worship in spirit and in truth.
John 4.24
So, let us all bow down before the Lord, He is our Maker and He send us here to earth to be holy and pure before Him and before others. All true worshippers should honor and glorify the Lord in spirit, singing songs of praise to Him because He is worthy of all praise. True worship also is to love God with all our heart, mind and soul. Do just like that simple woman who came to Jesus as Gods word says. The woman came and knelt before Him. Lord, help me .. she said. Matt. 15.25 Kneeling before Jesus and acknowlege that He is the One who was sent by God to heal those with broken heart and broken bodies tell us so many things about the heart of true worshipers. So, let us all do what the bible tell us to do.
Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
Psalm 95.6
As for me and my house I shall forever worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.
God is Spirit and those who worship God will worship in spirit and in truth.
John 4.24
So, let us all bow down before the Lord, He is our Maker and He send us here to earth to be holy and pure before Him and before others. All true worshippers should honor and glorify the Lord in spirit, singing songs of praise to Him because He is worthy of all praise. True worship also is to love God with all our heart, mind and soul. Do just like that simple woman who came to Jesus as Gods word says. The woman came and knelt before Him. Lord, help me .. she said. Matt. 15.25 Kneeling before Jesus and acknowlege that He is the One who was sent by God to heal those with broken heart and broken bodies tell us so many things about the heart of true worshipers. So, let us all do what the bible tell us to do.
Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
Psalm 95.6
As for me and my house I shall forever worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.