The word of God state clearly that all the people of the earth will see Him,as the Lord himself comes down from heaven in His glory , even those who pierced him , but only the righteous will be caught up . 1 Thes 4:15-17. Further more kindly read Matthew 7:21.Rev 22:7,14&15 ,Mattew 24:30-31.Be on the alert and PRAY ALWAYS that you will have the strength to go safely through all those things that will happen and stand before the Son of Man .Luke 21:34-36.Since all these things will be destroyed in this way,what kind of people should you be ? Your lives should be holy and dedicated to God. 2Peter3:11-12.In His second coming , our Lord Jesus Christ will take with Him all those who submitted in sincere dedication to His teachings ,while the wicked will be excluded for eternal destruction due to disobedient to God 's command.GOD BLESS , as we wait in patience for His coming.Amen