Beloved of All
who is so into me he doest want to be another day apart. may he see me as Gd sees me. i pray oyu keep him ehalht whole strong heale.d pelas ehla my brothe rtdentla flehs mine too delive rme yframiny form anxiety depression hopleslessnes may we Bless the Holy one of isreal at all times. Lor dshow me how ot pray an dpelas ehal al thos ewho are sick. pelas edliever me my husband formt he Lord form al eivl and all strnge woemn strange marriage adulteries. pelase reunite my parent isn holy matirimoyn it is not good for man to eb aloen let oyu rwill eb doen concenrign their lives and marriage.s pelas ehal them in every wa ygive htem merr yhearts hela my dads depression emotinally dleiver him form anxiety and hela his teeth heal his eyes delive rhimf orm fungus. pelase brign helaign to all his flehs. please also hela my grandma form heald to two. pelase dleiver her and my mom and me and all peopel for all unclean spirits. Lor dmake me so bonded t oyu Lord Jeu sChirs that serivng YOu gives me highes tpleaseure thnak you Lor di pray ou dod htis for lal peopel. please make me married ot the man you want me to be married to befor em ybirthda yocoteber 6 before i turn 34 year sold. i ask htis in faiht in expectaiotn i kindly ask this and pelas hela me and protec tme formall evil. lsut of the flehs. pelas edlieve rmy grandm aofrm dmeenit.a pelase dleiver this house form peests dleive rus ofrm the mice outsd. pelase help em clena giv eme speeed 100000x t faste rmor foccused and may ou hav elal the glory. pelas ehelp em clena my grandm aform head to teo. fdiaper sfeed her. pelas hela her bwoels her her badomen giv ehe r mrry heart sttenght miracules helaign touch her wiht oyur hoyl spirits. i pray this for lal peoel especialy all relaitve sfmaiyl memebrs. pela sehal my rbothe rin every wa.y pelas esend someont o minster the gopes of the lor dJeu sChirs tan dhis wife too protec ttheir marriage form all eivl and adultery please help them rad ethe bbay girl.pelas egiv em them bibles and the right peopel who help them learn Gods ways tithign heiagn etc. Lor dmay they be open to the Lor dJeu sChirst truly beliv ien HIma dn follow himforever i pray htis for all peopel it henameof the lord Jeu sChirst.