Can you imagine a whole town justifying themselves in coming against, to attack, one person because of a scriptural word? What kind of a town does that? And they actually had the nerve to call Him arrogant! Who does He think He is? They scoffed.
They cast Him out
Gossipped about Him
Mocked Him
Traced His footsteps to disprove Him
Accused Him of being lazy (derelict)
Talked about His mama (and "daddy," brothers and sisters too)
They even called Him the devil
Let Nazareth tell it, Jesus was nothing more than an evil, arrogant, lazy, bum. But they still wanted the blessings. They even tried to manipulate (a form of hatred) to force Him to bless them. Nazareth was quite self righteous in her disrespect, dishonor, and unbelief. Now that's truly arrogant.
Scheming evil, they gathered together against Him; and, throwing stones, chased Him to the edge of town, where they had plotted to throw Him from a cliff. BUT JESUS simply WALKED right on past them, and went to the next town, where He there, laid hands and did many healing miracles.
I can say this about Nazareth, at least their faith was based on religious laws, which is bad enough, but not quite as bad as being based on the win or loss of a baseball game (not even the championship, which is still but a perk), but a regular season baseball game. That's not faith at all but sheer foolishness. With so many games in a season, fluctuation proves that kind of so called faith to be "Luke warm," at best.
Fact is, I'm that same woman who stood in the medical center, and went around town, five and half years ago, yelling about a flood. People dismissed me and called me crazy then too. Oh well, Jesus couldn't convince his hometown either.

They cast Him out
Gossipped about Him
Mocked Him
Traced His footsteps to disprove Him
Accused Him of being lazy (derelict)
Talked about His mama (and "daddy," brothers and sisters too)
They even called Him the devil
Let Nazareth tell it, Jesus was nothing more than an evil, arrogant, lazy, bum. But they still wanted the blessings. They even tried to manipulate (a form of hatred) to force Him to bless them. Nazareth was quite self righteous in her disrespect, dishonor, and unbelief. Now that's truly arrogant.
Scheming evil, they gathered together against Him; and, throwing stones, chased Him to the edge of town, where they had plotted to throw Him from a cliff. BUT JESUS simply WALKED right on past them, and went to the next town, where He there, laid hands and did many healing miracles.
I can say this about Nazareth, at least their faith was based on religious laws, which is bad enough, but not quite as bad as being based on the win or loss of a baseball game (not even the championship, which is still but a perk), but a regular season baseball game. That's not faith at all but sheer foolishness. With so many games in a season, fluctuation proves that kind of so called faith to be "Luke warm," at best.
Fact is, I'm that same woman who stood in the medical center, and went around town, five and half years ago, yelling about a flood. People dismissed me and called me crazy then too. Oh well, Jesus couldn't convince his hometown either.
