Remember the real children of Israel were lost and were found. They were taken into America and other places under the slave curses of Deuteronomy Chapter 28. The tribes of Judah, Levi and Benjamin are black negoes. Called African-Americans; but before they were taken from Africa they were in Israel and Babylon. There is a good book called From Babylon to Timbuktoo which documents this it was available free to listen to on YouTube. The tribe of Gad is native-americans. The GOCC has a good breakdown. UneditedTruth has a good teaching and evidence on this in his excellent series the history of the Hebrews. Us nations are told by Yashaya to follow the ways of the Jews. He told the woman at the well in Samaria, you know not what you worship - We know who we worship for Salvation comes from the Jews. Some of these white Jews are righteous converts like Beth Yeshua International whose Rabbi Greg is amazing and was brought up in the Jewish Religion and some of the singers like Paul Wilbur and Joshua Aaron. But some are Zionists who Yashaya/Jesus warned us about in the book of Revelations - for I know the blasphemy of those which say they are Jews but they are not they are the synagogue of Satan. Remember the Bible warns in the End Times most will be deceived including many Christians.
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