This wonderful children who Jesus loves are those who take care of themselves with no adult supervision. They live a life all alone, after school there is no one to greet them when they arrive to an empty home.
No guests coming along.
Do not open the door to anyone.
Keep all doors locked.
Do not leave the house.
Only answer calls from family members.
All these children need Jesus help and grace to make them happy and joyful while living all alone. Single parent working families usually leave their children all alone.
Let us all pray for them and be a friend to those children who need someone to speak and to love when they arrive from school.
Let the children come to Me ... says the Lord. Maybe you are the one who Jesus will use to be a blessing to them.
No guests coming along.
Do not open the door to anyone.
Keep all doors locked.
Do not leave the house.
Only answer calls from family members.
All these children need Jesus help and grace to make them happy and joyful while living all alone. Single parent working families usually leave their children all alone.
Let us all pray for them and be a friend to those children who need someone to speak and to love when they arrive from school.
Let the children come to Me ... says the Lord. Maybe you are the one who Jesus will use to be a blessing to them.