The Lamb upon the throne send us all His kindness, His goodness an His mercy. He is ready to help, bless and heal our troubled souls and body.
Glory to the Lamb of God.
We give You praise dear Jesus.
Receive our word of praise to You alone.
For are glorious,
And worthy to be praised.
You are the Lamb upon the throne.
And unto You,
We lift our voice in praise.
You are the Lamb upon the throne.
It does not matter where you go or want to be, let the kindness of the Lord filling your heart share with others what He did for you. Carry this wonderful gift in your life and practice each day. A simple smile can change the course of those in need. The smallest gift represents the gift of joy Jesus has given unto us. A simple touch from heaven remind us that Jesus is alive and well and want us all blessed, helped and be on our way to our glorious home in heaven. There are million of obstacles we will face, but through it all, the Lord will be with us and reward us with blessings coming down from His hands.
Let us all remember and memorize this wonderful advise to all of us.
Let all bitterness, and wrath and anger, and clamor and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. And be ye kind one to another, even as God for Christs sakes hath forgiven you.
Eph. 4.29
True kindness coming down from heaven is this. Jesus suffering and dying on the cross for us to give us life everlasting in heaven is the greatest kindness we know in this world. Right now, He is alive forever more and it is coming back to take us all home to glory.
Glory to the Lamb of God.
We give You praise dear Jesus.
Receive our word of praise to You alone.
For are glorious,
And worthy to be praised.
You are the Lamb upon the throne.
And unto You,
We lift our voice in praise.
You are the Lamb upon the throne.
It does not matter where you go or want to be, let the kindness of the Lord filling your heart share with others what He did for you. Carry this wonderful gift in your life and practice each day. A simple smile can change the course of those in need. The smallest gift represents the gift of joy Jesus has given unto us. A simple touch from heaven remind us that Jesus is alive and well and want us all blessed, helped and be on our way to our glorious home in heaven. There are million of obstacles we will face, but through it all, the Lord will be with us and reward us with blessings coming down from His hands.
Let us all remember and memorize this wonderful advise to all of us.
Let all bitterness, and wrath and anger, and clamor and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice. And be ye kind one to another, even as God for Christs sakes hath forgiven you.
Eph. 4.29
True kindness coming down from heaven is this. Jesus suffering and dying on the cross for us to give us life everlasting in heaven is the greatest kindness we know in this world. Right now, He is alive forever more and it is coming back to take us all home to glory.