When you stand on your faith, there is always hope. Where there is hope, there is a chance for a miracle to happen. We can have peace no matter what the outcome is. If we trust God and His will, we know that it is what is best even though we may never comprehend it. With that said, I find my peace no matter if the answer to my prayer comes or not. I pray that people's eyes and heart would be open to the truth of God's Word. I pray that Christians would rise up and speak boldly about the saving Grace of Jesus. I pray for the leaders in this country! I pray that God would reveal himself to the world and that God would show Himself strong on our behalf. I pray for the salvation of our families and friends through us. I pray for such a great spiritual awakening to sweep over this nation. The bible says where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there also. You prayer warriors rise up and pray boldly today for this nation, our world and our loved ones! God bless you all!!!