The wheel wasn’t the only thing Ezekiel saw.
Indeed it is good to wait in quietness, which is exactly what I was doing when cast out of a homeless shelter; thrown in jail; taken from court to court for sleeping on a park bench and in an emergency room, and for using a microwave, which, not only had I been given permission to use, but was escorted to because it wasn’t readily visible. Nevertheless, it was because of these things, done without just cause, that I was ushered into a new assignment charted in the book of Isaiah and detailed in the book of Ezekiel:
Isaiah 58:1 "Shout with the voice of a trumpet blast. Tell my people Israel of their sins!
Ironically, the book of Ezekiel, the blueprint on which this assignment was built, also began with a vision of God. While Ezekiel's description of God may have seemed odd, even downright frightening to some, he wasn't the only one to have a vision of God; he wasn't even the first. Isaiah, whom Jesus most often quoted, I believe, was the first: Moses saw God, not in a vision, but face to face. It seems that whenever God’s people are called to explain the inexplicable or to describe the indescribable, as we so often are, we experience, what I call the “Mr. McBeevee” syndrome. Though, I must admit that, probably like most, I too am partial to Isaiah’s description of God; it being a bit easier on the ear: "In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple." Nevertheless, God is not inclined to man’s preferences, whether poetically rendered or “raw,” the warnings that encompassed both visions remained the same.
Like Ezekiel, I too have encountered much unbelief from the temple, not only regarding my vision of God, but likewise the messages surrounding that vision. Unfortunately, those to whom Ezekiel was sent, the church, dismissively, patted him on the head: "there, there.” For though peculiarly interesting, Ezekiel had to have been a bit deranged, even mentally ill, to have spoken such doom and gloom regarding the church: as Jesus's own family initially said about Him. Certainly God would never be that unfair to His chosen people. BUT GOD, was using Ezekiel, not only as a messenger, and “scapegoat," Thank You Lord, but also as an ensign to His people both in the church and nation, to graciously and mercifully warn them of His impending vengeance, which was soon to come. What a blessing! God didn’t have to tell them anything, He could’ve simply allowed them to die in their sin. God’s judgement, which still begins with the church, is not because He is unfair, for such is not possible; but is rather because of man’s unfairness: The church’s disrespectful, disregard and disobedience towards Him, as well as man’s oppression and injustice toward fellow man, particularly toward “the least of these.”
If you want to get real basic about it, we have all seen Jesus, in that, when we see the poor and homeless, we see Him. Moreover, Jesus says, “That which you do even unto one of the least of these, you do unto Me.” Then Jesus seems to repeat himself; but he doesn’t though. Knowing man’s history of scriptural manipulation, Jesus actually closes the loophole on man’s disgusting propensity toward misusing His words to operate in favoritism, to the discriminate exclusion of those we don’t like. “As you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.”
Then, as now, though the church may choose to criticize or ignore the Ezekiel’s in her midst, it neither changes nor nullifies God’s Word; it only proves that God is right, as always; even in foretelling their response. They basically called Ezekiel a “know-it-all” because he just never seemed to shut up with all that negativity. In fact, the church grew so tired of Ezekiel that they began to plot his death, as they would Jesus and all His disciples, in the New Testament. Yet, despite how strange Ezekiel’s vision, and relentlessly redundant his words, he kept right on delivering the message. God literally caused Ezekiel to be still, allowing him to be bound and secluded at times, so that he could not speak, but each time God opened his mouth, Ezekiel went right at it again: Perhaps that was because of the penalty he would suffer had he not spoken.
While the church preaches these truths, she doesn’t seem to believe them: they're just pretty sermons. Like Jesus’s first disciples, even this generation of priests sometimes struggle with unbelief in the area of Apparitions. Still, with regards to my personal experience, rather than being so concerned about whether or not I had seen God, the church, should have been more mindful of their response to me, when they saw me. The church must stop accusing God's messengers of attacking her, thereby giving the devil credit for God’s work. For even today, religious leaders, because of their own prominence, can misleadingly stir up devout prominent women and chief men to the detriment of a nation. But, it’s not about them. Even in His discipline, what God desires most is for us to acknowledge HIS SOVEREIGNTY.
Perhaps the phenomenon we've been experiencing in this nation, surrounding the church, is simply Jesus allowing the doubters to put their fingers in the holes of His hands.
I don’t expect that you will like this message any more than the others; nevertheless, the following was the answer to my most recent question: Isaiah 6:11 Then I said, "Lord, how long must I do this?" And he replied, "Until their cities are destroyed, with no one left in them. Until their houses are deserted and the whole country is an utter wasteland. Ezekiel 13:10-11 “Because, indeed, because they have seduced My people, saying, ‘Peace!’ when there is no peace—and one builds a wall, and they plaster it with untempered mortar— say to those who plaster it with untempered mortar, that it will fall. There will be flooding rain, and you, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall tear it down.
While I cannot pray for God to relent, I am reminded that a remnant is promised. I pray that the remnant is great; but that is truly up to each individual. It will not be accomplished by simply living your best life or doing good deeds, but rather by turning away from sin, and choosing instead to LOVE, according to God’s definition and statutes. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
Dear Heavenly Father, as I depart from this city, I pray that You will spare her, that she may be counted among the remnant. Lord defend her against those who seek to operate in violence, oppression, and injustice; that she may be a sanctuary for those who honor You. Yet, even in this place, be Thou unto my enemies according to their ways: “I will be an enemy to your enemies, and an adversary to your adversaries.”
In Jesus name. Amen.
Indeed it is good to wait in quietness, which is exactly what I was doing when cast out of a homeless shelter; thrown in jail; taken from court to court for sleeping on a park bench and in an emergency room, and for using a microwave, which, not only had I been given permission to use, but was escorted to because it wasn’t readily visible. Nevertheless, it was because of these things, done without just cause, that I was ushered into a new assignment charted in the book of Isaiah and detailed in the book of Ezekiel:
Isaiah 58:1 "Shout with the voice of a trumpet blast. Tell my people Israel of their sins!
Ironically, the book of Ezekiel, the blueprint on which this assignment was built, also began with a vision of God. While Ezekiel's description of God may have seemed odd, even downright frightening to some, he wasn't the only one to have a vision of God; he wasn't even the first. Isaiah, whom Jesus most often quoted, I believe, was the first: Moses saw God, not in a vision, but face to face. It seems that whenever God’s people are called to explain the inexplicable or to describe the indescribable, as we so often are, we experience, what I call the “Mr. McBeevee” syndrome. Though, I must admit that, probably like most, I too am partial to Isaiah’s description of God; it being a bit easier on the ear: "In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple." Nevertheless, God is not inclined to man’s preferences, whether poetically rendered or “raw,” the warnings that encompassed both visions remained the same.
Like Ezekiel, I too have encountered much unbelief from the temple, not only regarding my vision of God, but likewise the messages surrounding that vision. Unfortunately, those to whom Ezekiel was sent, the church, dismissively, patted him on the head: "there, there.” For though peculiarly interesting, Ezekiel had to have been a bit deranged, even mentally ill, to have spoken such doom and gloom regarding the church: as Jesus's own family initially said about Him. Certainly God would never be that unfair to His chosen people. BUT GOD, was using Ezekiel, not only as a messenger, and “scapegoat," Thank You Lord, but also as an ensign to His people both in the church and nation, to graciously and mercifully warn them of His impending vengeance, which was soon to come. What a blessing! God didn’t have to tell them anything, He could’ve simply allowed them to die in their sin. God’s judgement, which still begins with the church, is not because He is unfair, for such is not possible; but is rather because of man’s unfairness: The church’s disrespectful, disregard and disobedience towards Him, as well as man’s oppression and injustice toward fellow man, particularly toward “the least of these.”
If you want to get real basic about it, we have all seen Jesus, in that, when we see the poor and homeless, we see Him. Moreover, Jesus says, “That which you do even unto one of the least of these, you do unto Me.” Then Jesus seems to repeat himself; but he doesn’t though. Knowing man’s history of scriptural manipulation, Jesus actually closes the loophole on man’s disgusting propensity toward misusing His words to operate in favoritism, to the discriminate exclusion of those we don’t like. “As you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.”
Then, as now, though the church may choose to criticize or ignore the Ezekiel’s in her midst, it neither changes nor nullifies God’s Word; it only proves that God is right, as always; even in foretelling their response. They basically called Ezekiel a “know-it-all” because he just never seemed to shut up with all that negativity. In fact, the church grew so tired of Ezekiel that they began to plot his death, as they would Jesus and all His disciples, in the New Testament. Yet, despite how strange Ezekiel’s vision, and relentlessly redundant his words, he kept right on delivering the message. God literally caused Ezekiel to be still, allowing him to be bound and secluded at times, so that he could not speak, but each time God opened his mouth, Ezekiel went right at it again: Perhaps that was because of the penalty he would suffer had he not spoken.
While the church preaches these truths, she doesn’t seem to believe them: they're just pretty sermons. Like Jesus’s first disciples, even this generation of priests sometimes struggle with unbelief in the area of Apparitions. Still, with regards to my personal experience, rather than being so concerned about whether or not I had seen God, the church, should have been more mindful of their response to me, when they saw me. The church must stop accusing God's messengers of attacking her, thereby giving the devil credit for God’s work. For even today, religious leaders, because of their own prominence, can misleadingly stir up devout prominent women and chief men to the detriment of a nation. But, it’s not about them. Even in His discipline, what God desires most is for us to acknowledge HIS SOVEREIGNTY.
Perhaps the phenomenon we've been experiencing in this nation, surrounding the church, is simply Jesus allowing the doubters to put their fingers in the holes of His hands.
I don’t expect that you will like this message any more than the others; nevertheless, the following was the answer to my most recent question: Isaiah 6:11 Then I said, "Lord, how long must I do this?" And he replied, "Until their cities are destroyed, with no one left in them. Until their houses are deserted and the whole country is an utter wasteland. Ezekiel 13:10-11 “Because, indeed, because they have seduced My people, saying, ‘Peace!’ when there is no peace—and one builds a wall, and they plaster it with untempered mortar— say to those who plaster it with untempered mortar, that it will fall. There will be flooding rain, and you, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall tear it down.
Thanks be to God
Thanks be to God
While I cannot pray for God to relent, I am reminded that a remnant is promised. I pray that the remnant is great; but that is truly up to each individual. It will not be accomplished by simply living your best life or doing good deeds, but rather by turning away from sin, and choosing instead to LOVE, according to God’s definition and statutes. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
Dear Heavenly Father, as I depart from this city, I pray that You will spare her, that she may be counted among the remnant. Lord defend her against those who seek to operate in violence, oppression, and injustice; that she may be a sanctuary for those who honor You. Yet, even in this place, be Thou unto my enemies according to their ways: “I will be an enemy to your enemies, and an adversary to your adversaries.”
In Jesus name. Amen.