Humble Servant of All
Intercession for Anita....Lord, in Your name, Anita shall be "set" free. Jesus came to set the captive free. Father, I speak Peace and Grace, the unmerited, unearned, undeserved FAVOR of God in the name of Jesus to Anita. Thank You God, for helping her. Thank You for loving Anita. Grace be multiplied and multiplied. She is Your creation and You died instead of her, and You died Lord Jesus instead of me, and for anyone who is "crushed" in spirit,, feeling "hopeless"...Move Lord, move swiftly in theses lives. Come running God, come running and pursue our enemy. You said, The battle is the LORDS. God how much can a simple (sheep) withstand. Jesus said we can bear all things. So when its no longer bearable, and the spirit is crushed, Who can we call on but the LORD. Where can we run, but to the LORD. Help God, Rise up within us, and "make" us to know "Grace" like never before, open the eyes of our understanding to GRACE, like never before. We received our salvation in and thru JESUS, by Grace. Now make us to "know" , wisdom, by that same Grace to fight a tremendous "fight" of faith. Almighty God, Deliver us from evil. Lead us not into temptatation ( to give up, to function in this life crushed) but deliver us from evil. We pray as Jesus says. Strengthen us thru this prayer. And thank You for being more than our Sustaainer , but Cause us to overcome powerfully. Jesus is Lord. Amen