Satan want us all defeated and tired of everything in life, but Jesus want us all alive and well to serve, to love and to praise His holy name wherever we are.
For You are great, You do miracles so great, there no one else like You... and we love You with all our heart, mind and soul today and will love You for ages to come.
In life we will feel down and out and no one will come to help us, no psychiatrist, no psycholigist, no one can, so let us all run to the arms of the Lord who promised us wonderful things coming to us when we give ourselves to Him.
And He shall be their peace.
Micah 5,5
When we say too often to the Lord, o God, this is too heavy for me, I cant take it anymore. Please take this burden off and away from me. I need You to be my peace, my joy, my happiness in this life where no one cares. Peter clearly told us our of his own experience.
Let him turn from evil and do good, let him seek peace and pursue it.
I Peter 3.11
So, let us all focus on lifes good and see the blessings of the Lord come to all of us who believe, trust and wait for Him. Feeling sorry for yourself and hearing the devil voice telling you negative words, start praising and adoring the name of the Lord our God.
The devil will hear Jesus name and he will flee from you. All depression, sadness and hopelessness shall go away.
Thank you Jesus for the wonderful promises You have given to all of us.
I Me ye shall find peace.
Yes Lord, I believe this with all of my heart.
For You are great, You do miracles so great, there no one else like You... and we love You with all our heart, mind and soul today and will love You for ages to come.
In life we will feel down and out and no one will come to help us, no psychiatrist, no psycholigist, no one can, so let us all run to the arms of the Lord who promised us wonderful things coming to us when we give ourselves to Him.
And He shall be their peace.
Micah 5,5
When we say too often to the Lord, o God, this is too heavy for me, I cant take it anymore. Please take this burden off and away from me. I need You to be my peace, my joy, my happiness in this life where no one cares. Peter clearly told us our of his own experience.
Let him turn from evil and do good, let him seek peace and pursue it.
I Peter 3.11
So, let us all focus on lifes good and see the blessings of the Lord come to all of us who believe, trust and wait for Him. Feeling sorry for yourself and hearing the devil voice telling you negative words, start praising and adoring the name of the Lord our God.
The devil will hear Jesus name and he will flee from you. All depression, sadness and hopelessness shall go away.
Thank you Jesus for the wonderful promises You have given to all of us.
I Me ye shall find peace.
Yes Lord, I believe this with all of my heart.