This is really a wonderful time to wait for our dear Savior and Lord return to earth in majesty and great glory. When the last trumphet blasts and the Lord returns for those who belong to HIm, In that moment, all believers in Gods promises of the second coming of the Lord, The living and the dead will be raised up in the glorious appearing of Jesus, then we will be tranformed into the glorified eternal bodies just as God has promised all of us who believe His word.
I have nothing to do with tomorrow.
I am just waiting for my dear Savior and Lord.
To rescue me and those I care and love.
So, I am waiting for the last trumphet.
The sound of heaven.
Coming down to my ears.
Letting me know.
I am here for you.
O dear Lord. I am waiting for You and for the hosts of angels coming down to earth to take us all home to Your glorious home in heaven. Come and rescue us from the wrath that will arrive sooner or later we will be facing the truth of Your word.
I have nothing to do with tomorrow.
I am just waiting for my dear Savior and Lord.
To rescue me and those I care and love.
So, I am waiting for the last trumphet.
The sound of heaven.
Coming down to my ears.
Letting me know.
I am here for you.
O dear Lord. I am waiting for You and for the hosts of angels coming down to earth to take us all home to Your glorious home in heaven. Come and rescue us from the wrath that will arrive sooner or later we will be facing the truth of Your word.