BLESSING ON FAMILY MEMBERS SO AS TO BE SAVED, HEALED, KEPT HEALTHY, BE STRENGTHENED SPIRITUALLY, EMOTIONALLY, SOCIALLY AND PHYSICALLY... I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ so I will be saved and my entire household (Acts 16:31-32) just like it is written, Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness (Genesis, Romans 4).
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your Name!
Your Kingdom come! Y
our Will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
Give us this day our daily bread!
Forgive our Debts.
We forgive all our debtors for everything.
Lead us not into temptation,
deliver us from the evil one!
For it's Your Kingdom,
All Power in Heaven and Earth is Yours,
and You deserve the Glory,
Forever in Jesus'
Occupy until I come" (Luke 19:13). Matthew Henry says of Matt 19:11-27, "This parable is like that of the talents, Mt 25... From those to whom he gives power, he expects service...." He has given power to the United States.
May God use THE UNITED STATES to serve and extend the peace and freedom of the nations both physically with our military, economically with our businesses and inventions and spiritually with missionaries...
We pray for PRESIDENT TRUMP to have wisdom, favor, direction & protection.
May we have heavenly influence for our Government: Congress, Supreme Court, Nominees, State Governors & Legislators, Intelligence of the FBI, CIA, & Secret Service, U.S.P.S. & Public Transportation Intelligence & Surveillance. May there be more stringent boarding requirements for public transportation and protection of not only Airways, but Rails & Busses. New FBI Leader and wisdom for our Government. Fill The President's cabinet and our congresses, senates and courts with Godliness!
Please guide and protect our Military &
Military Intelligence (Wisdom, Safety & Protection at home and overseas -- Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard & National Guard). We offer prayers for Law Enforcement, Firemen & Security Guards. "Prayers for all people, for Kings and ALL in Authority" (1 Tim 2:1-4). Grant us all faith in God, obedience to the Word and righteousness by faith in the work of Jesus. Help Europe to slow the increase of Islam after we are seeing the fruits of having no lock on the doors over the past 20 years. Grant them discernment and leadership, "Prayers for Kings and ALL in Authority" -- even other governments, You called us to be a "Light to the Nations" (Isaiah 49:6-8). You said the predominant thing for which Your Church would be known would be its Prayer for The Nations, "Then He began to teach them and declare, "Is it not
written: '
My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations?" (Mark 11:17).
Lastly calm the wars, rumors of wars and nuclear threats throughout the world.
Overrule ISIS,
Taliban and Al-
Qaeda and bind all terrorism.
Convert the lost, end immorality, abortion, witchcraft, genocide & euthanasia.
Protect persecuted believers in Muslim regions especially The Philippines, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and every other area.
Give grace and discipline to believers to pray and fast during Ramadan to counter the evil the devil seeks to release through it. May we remember "There are more on our side than theirs" as Elisha told his servant (2 Kings 6:15-17). and remember
Thank you in Jesus' Name.