This goes out to cities of all nation.
As I was SITTING this morning, having breakfast, thinking l about my mother, I couldn’t help but to smile. My heart was overflowing with joy. I'm so glad that God doesn't tell us everything, all at once (preach Abraham!). Had God revealed to me the entirety of that part of my assignment, "Rebuke your mother," I too, like so many others did, would probably have assumed it was demonic, and no doubt, would have bolted like Jonah. But when you recognize God’s voice, along with that discernment comes an UNDERSTANDING that sometimes, He simply says "Go Forth." It’s a spiritual thing, and my mother’s spirit recognized it – that’s the part that really made me smile.
Here’s the thing about God’s testing, as it differs from demonic influence. First of all, God TESTS, satan TEMPTS. When God tests, as with Job or anyone else, He will only permit the tester to go so far, and the end result is always to refine, not to the destruction of man, that he should perish. Howbeit, where there is demonic influence, there is always temptation, usually with a reward that can seemingly only be attained by doing the ungodly: “disrespecting one’s neighbor in exchange for . . .” or “I will give you all the world, just fall down and worship me.”
Indeed the people came; but, never in disorder. Jesus taught His disciples, by example, to instruct the people to “Sit down on the ground,” a position of stillness, order, and respect, in preparation for the blessing that was to be distributed by His disciples: Mark 8:6 So Jesus told all the people to sit down on the ground. Then he took the seven loaves, thanked God for them, broke them into pieces, and gave them to his disciples, who distributed the bread to the crowd.
And again, you will know them by their fruit. A true disciple of Jesus would never instruct people to disrespect, circle about, or turn their backs on their neighbors, for these things Jesus himself suffered at the hands of a city.
Whether being tested or tempted, we must discern the voice, based on the instructions given, so that we are led not into temptation. When Jesus was tempted by the devil, offering to Him that which, not only wasn’t his to give, but in fact already belonged to Jesus: Psalms 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein; discerning it not to be the voice of The Father, Jesus gave him no place; but rather, promptly sent satan packing – “Away with you!” That is what must be done with anyone who tries to instruct us in juxtaposition (betrayal) of God’s Word. The devil will offer, to those who lack knowledge, that which is absolutely FREE, or already theirs, in exchange for their very souls. Anyone or anything given presidence over The Word of God is idolatry.
Ungodliness is never ordained by God; but, is in direct opposition to who He is. We learn that through Judas’ betrayal. Even if sanctioned by the hierarchy of the church, if not ordained by God, our deeds can only lead to destruction, even of a city. Though it may have looked very different to man, at the time, truth is, Judas perished because of his betrayal of God; but Jesus was exalted through the finished work of the cross, yet because the world rejected that finished work, repentance is necessary.
It would be better for a city to humble herself and REPENT, rather than for God to ever repent again. If Jesus himself faced temptation, who are we that we can't be tested, even a city?
Genesis 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
Luke 24:47
Luke 24:47
To the next city, before I even get there: