Beloved of All
Father I went to a different church this morning and though I felt welcome at first, later I started to feel an overwhelming sense of being judged, not by you, but by the pastor. Father you know what I've been through, you know my mind, and heart, and you know that my depression sometimes gets the better if me. Conviction is one thing, and while I did feel convicted it had nothing to do with a question of salvation, but rather personal sins I struggle with. Anyways, It felt like the pastor was saying that if I are questioning your salvation, then I was not really saved. Is this true? Father I have asked forgiveness in the name of Jesus, and accepted your Son as.the Christ, and my Lord and savior. The only reason I ever questioned my salvation was because Satan placed seed of doubt in my mind. I believe he tried to use that pastor to nourish throes seeds today by saying that "If you are wondering if you are saved or not, then you are definatly not saved." Maybe I mosunderstood, and that too is of the devil, but Father the overall vine I got from that church was very unsettling. Not in that I felt convicted. But judge based on man made interpritaitions. Father I have read the gospel, I know the truth. Their is nothing in your word that I recall, (and I could be.wrong about this), But I don't ever remember reading that if you question your salvation you are not saved. What I did read is that anyone who believes in Jesus, shall not perish but have everlasting life. To me that says I'm saved because your word also tells me that you will never leave me or forsake me. That once I am saved nothing not even my worst sins can pry me from your hand. So to that pastor, I say that he is wrong. I know the truth. Father I prayed for some on my age, a young women to sit with me today, it did not happen. I'm not upset, but I do need to know, should I keep attending this church or not. I personally felt that this mournings message did not feed me well, in fact I kinda have a bad taste from it all. There seemed to be a lot of self praising about what that church was doing right, and how much of the Holy spirit was with that church. Father again I could be mistaken, but that seemed more like bragging that worship. Father should I love on or should I stay. Father I ask if you to send me to the right church so I can be fed and grow in you Father. And Father, please allow me to get to know my future wife. Maybe she will invite me to the right church. Father help me find that special Christian young lady to go to church with, read the Bible with, go to movies and the beach with, play video games and do, cosplay with, to go shooting, fishing, and hunting with. That girl with a pretty smile that makes everyone that sees it happy and warm. Father this sweet girl that will love me, understand me, and love me for me. Father Please bring her soon. Not a day goes by where I don't think about her, and how wonderful our friendship, and marriage will be. Father don't let my virginity be I vain, and don't let the love letters I write to her be in vain either. Father I am eagerly awaiting this beautiful girl, to come into my life. Father I am asking you for this wonderful helpmate, Please do not ignore me Father God. Please this prince, needs his princess. I have been praying for her for a long time. Father. Please put her in my path today Father, Father let out marriage be proof that you are still the author of love, let out marriage being you glory Father. Father on that day when I meet her, I want to tell everyone I see that you gave her to me, that you brought us togeather, may your name ever be praised in my house hold Father. I ask you for this lovely daughter of yours that you picked for me, to be my wife. Father Please I am lonley, being her soon Father. Bring her soon.