I have tried to get extra excited about Christmas this year. Not only am I with family, but I’m living with my son and daughter-ish (our word for daughter-in-law) and they have made this season particularly merry with decorations, baking, holiday shows and music, and even Christmas jammies (well, for her, not him—my son is a sideline supporter). But as magical as Christmas can seem, something else in my life feels far more significant.
If you’ve tracked my life lately, you might think it’s moving into the home we ordered over 15 months ago, which will finally happen between Christmas and New Year’s. But that’s not it.
It’s that my husband and I have reached 30 years of marriage. W-O-W, wow.
“But Christmas Is About Christ!”
Some may protest that Christmas is far more important than my upcoming anniversary, because it celebrates Christ coming to earth. But my anniversary is very much about Christ coming to earth and an even more personal reminder of His presence and sacrifice. You see, I wouldn’t have reached 30 years without God’s grace, which came through Jesus Christ.
I was in a bad marriage that I didn’t think would make it. But God…
No, He didn’t swoop down like a superhero and save us. Rather, the gift of His son showed the way. Jesus showed what it means to have hope, to embrace joy, to love others, and to forgive wrongs. His story of redemption demonstrated that redemption was possible for my marriage. And that acceptance of that path began with me. (See Who Are You Praying to Change in Your Marriage?)
**For those in destructive or abusive marriages, Christ also came to free victims of oppression. **
Christ, Our Husband
We celebrate Christ’s birth on Christmas and His death and resurrection at Easter, but how about our marriage to Christ? After all, God is portrayed as our husband, in Hosea, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and here:
For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called.
Isaiah 54:5
The Apostle Paul reiterates this relationship:
For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called.
Ephesians 5:31-32
And Revelation describes our final destiny with the LORD as a marriage:
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
Revelation 21:1
Thus, my relationship to my husband is a reflection—albeit an imperfect one—of the intimate relationship we have to our LORD. Why, then, wouldn’t my anniversary be a testament to Christ?
What About Your Marriage?
As you come through the holiday season and enter a new year, maybe it’s time to ask how your marriage reflects the coming of Christ. If you can’t think of an answer quickly, this next year could be your opportunity to focus on building a covenant relationship with your spouse that leaves you and others praising the grace of God!
What Matters More Than Christmas: "This next year could be your opportunity to focus on building a covenant relationship with your spouse that leaves you and others praising the grace of God!" #marriage @hotholyhumorous
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I’ll be here to help point the way.
The post What Matters More Than Christmas appeared first on Hot, Holy & Humorous.
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