"We read in Revelation,about the New Heaven and Earth,"and the former things will not come to mind",also, "God will wipe every tear from their eyes". But to me, as many times as I'v e been on the heavy end of things going the opposite of my preferences,defeats, even downright troublesome situations,troublesome people I have dealt with,not only not getting the things I want but getting a heaping helping of things I DON'T WANT to happen---and I'm not an ostrich, I admit it,not like most who try to "cover it up"--and having a whole lifetime of this sort of thing--I have a hard time with these pastors who say things like,"after 1 minute in Heaven, you'll forget all the problems you had on Earth."But let's say I live to be 90{or the Rapture occurs at that time} I don't know if those who say that's just their statement,I don't see where the Bible stresses a time limit to "forget your Earthly problems." Also, each person is different, some aren't as sensitive to being victimized by negative things as others, how would it take the exact same amount of time for everyone?Revelation says, 'God Himself will WIPE OUT all tears from their eyes--you have to have tears in your eyes in order for them to be wiped out.The "erasing your memory" theory,there have been Christians who died, were resurrected, then said they saw Christian loved ones who went before them in Heaven.If God "erases our memories" in Heaven,how would we recognize our loved ones, who we knew from Earth? What I think is that it's a more gradual thing,that as we go on in Heaven, we get used to that existence,then we don't focus on the bad times on Earth--not "one minute later"like most pastors crow. Also,forgetting in Heaven about the bad times on Earth,isn't the same as they never happened. Even after a billion years in Heaven,God doesn't change history--it's still "on the record" that we got screwed at times while here.