II don't know how many annoying people you deal with, but I've had some "beautys".Irritating people who take advantage of me, are selfish, inconsiderate of me, have certain idiosyncrasises that to an organized person like me drives me crazy create their own problems then expect me to pick up the slack for them...you name it.Now then...most are unsaved, but might become saved in the future..but one who CLAIMS TO BE a Christian{I believe she loves the Lord but is misguided}takes advantage of me right and left, when I tell her something she should change goes in one ear and out the other, is inconsiderate of me.Anyway, I think sometimes , once we get to Heaven,the people we deal with we'll have to see for all eternity. It won't be like here, where you can try to avoid them a little.So to me, the thought of dealing with people who have given me so much trouble here on Earth,day after day for eternity,doesn't turn me on. So like we hear some people ask how they can be happy in Heaven if their loved ones are in Hell, my question is how can Heaven be "all pleasant" if these irritating people are there?Will they torment me in Heaven also? And even if their nature is changed, will seeing them remind me of what they did, taking my joy away in Heaven?What do you think?