Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
We're told that Jesus healed all manner of sicknesses.And cast out demons. It doesn't say much about mental illness.Because I could think of a few.(And the people I call "off" they laugh at MY viewpoints,so what's God for the goose is good for the gander.}I pray for the mentally ill.To start, those who say,"It's a good thing that things work against you. You'd get bored if everything went your way." (Yeah right.) Prefering things to work against you is masochism, which is a disordered mental state.And the impatient ones. They can't, or don't want to, take a minute.They blast the horn if you hesitate a nanosecond at a changed light,or if you're looking at something in the supermarket, thet're squirming behind you getting impatient, standing so close to you they're almost like you're own shadow.Patience is a fruit of the spirit, not IMPATIENCE.Then people who get depressed if they're alone, and some even have a phobic reaction to it.And lastly, the ones who say,they would get "bored" if they relax, they prefer busyness.(They like that, rushing to make tight deadlines,a never ending "to do list"}.({Another form of masochism).So the thing is, while focusing on the physically ill, there are a lot of mentally deranged people out thereI who need help.I pray for them. But, if the want something different then my wants, I pray they get that.I've done that.I just don't like when they state it like it's "The Way.".