Beloved of All
We're seeing my daughter's breast cancer specialist today at ###:## p.m. Please pray that my daughter will accept the fact that she has to have chemo and allow the doctors, Jesus's earthly tools, to help her. Pray the HE will remove her fears and put in faith in HIM. Ask HIM to allow the medicine to fully help her with very mild side effects. I don't know of anyone who wants cancer or chemo. The good Lord knows, I didn't want that for my child. But, it is the way it is and I thank the Lord that there are more effective cancer treatments than there were several years ago. Dear Most Merciful and Heavenly Divine Father Jehovah, Lord I come to You as humbly as I know asking for YOUR mercy for my daughter, her doctors, anyone troubled with any disease and the readers and prayer partners in this organization. Lord, everybody needs YOU whether they know it or not. Please have mercy on anyone going through anxiety, depression, addictions, and mental disorders. Father Jehovah, I understand that YOU are busy, but one word from YOU or just a drop of YOUR spit or blood is more than enough. Bless YOUR most wonderful and HOLY NAME, JESUS! HALLELUJAH AND AMEN!