Prayer Warrior
I am full of concerns about this wedding for a number of reasons. I am going to this wedding today and I am feeling sick about it. This isn't going to be easy for me at all. Years ago I was around a group of friends that unfortunately really hurt me. (Please don't send comments about forgiveness as this was quite serious and could have been a very dangerous situation) Forgiveness I have but, that doesn't change how concerned I feel today. I wasn't supported by half of my friends and my family during the most difficult time of my life. My mental health was in a serious way and barely anyone gave a care. I had PTSD. Today I am seeing some of these people that betrayed me and almost put me in a mentally and physically dangerous situation. This may sound crazy that I am even going to this wedding but, I have to. Half of these people were friends and half of them weren't. This is so hard. I need prayers for my strength, wisdom, discernment, the right way of setting boundaries with people I can't talk to. Please pray as this is so hard. In the name of Jesus as this is not going to be easy for me at all.