Edna Nord
Humble Servant
We have all failed but that does not mean we are failures. Our mistakes and failues to accomplish goals we have set for ourselves do not define who we are. God does not see you as a failure. Do not believe the lies of the enemy. Give your thoughts and feelings about yourself and your life over to God. Let us pray. Dear Loving Heavenly Father. Please make your loving presence known to your child. You do not condemn (Romans 8:1). Please protect your child from self-condemnation. May your child know who he or she is in you. May he or she know their self worth and to forgive themselves for whatever is making them feel so bad about themselves. Truly they have great worth in your sight. May you bring healing and peace in their lives. May they speak positive thoughts to themselves and stop talking negstive words to their spirt. Your Word says that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Our words are powerful and they affect how we think and feel. Put words of praise to you in their hearts.and lips. May Your praise ever be on their lips. Amen