Despite the title of this blog, some people are "obvious" to analyze. Billy Graham, Hal Lindsey,many others we "know" they're Christians.Someone obvious to the other extreme,who has been deep into the occult their whole life, and dies with their last words stating their admiration of those beliefs,or the people who take the mark of the Antichrist, is obvious where they stand.{"By their fruits you will know them."}However..I've also seen some who God hasn't really 100% revealed to me their heart.There are some who seem to be "heading towards" being saved, or God was leading them that way.Others, I just don't know them well enough, or are around them enough, to know if they got, or are ,saved--haven't heard. Also, someone can be evil,extremely so, more then most, a murderer, devil worshipper. drug addict, and get saved at a later date.So can't really say everyone who is, or will be, or will die as, a Christian. {"The secret things are known to God.'"God knows the heart".I used to have the simplistic formula of, they don't sound like a Christian , or are not at the time, so when they die they'll go to Hell. Now, I'v e improved my rationale, I see there are more variables than meet the eye. We can't predict what's what for everyone, only God knows. Eh?