We were created by God, in His own image we came to this world. So, if anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you.
God is the Creator of all things and He created us to glorify His name.
Based on the Creation Story in Genesis .man is uniquely created in the image of God,and is invested with authority over the earth.One meaning of man being
Based on the Creation Story in Genesis
We were created by God, in His own image we came to this world. So, if anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you.
God is the Creator of all things and He created us to glorify His name.
One meaning of .man being created is to glorify God's nameAnother meaning of being created in God's inage is the unique capacity for moral a d rational awareness. GOd made humans to be inherently different from the lower classes of animals. One writer postulated ,that we share with God some of His own qualities. We share with Him some aspects of His personality, truth,beauty meaning,will and reason.These attributes enable us to relate to God in ways no other creatures cannot.
Humans were made to stand at the image of God's authority on the earth as we are the ones that have dominion over all reation including apes.
This is evidence in scientific and technological advancements. Men are are able to rule and subdue the air, for example in the field of astronomy a d meteorology. The lland in agriculture mining a d architecture and the sea in fishing swimming and navigation to name a few..en have taken dominion.Human beings have even developed control over sickness and diseases control over reproduction rate and political management of various styles.
Man is the purposeful creation of the one,true God a d we are special in the universe.
It is grossly illogical when leople are of the impression that mankind evolves from apes .In Genesis we read that God created man in HIs own image.
(Genesis 1 v 37)A d God said "It was good!"God ceased from His creation commanded man to reproduce afterhis kind..Period.
If there is nyone who is willi g to dispute this fact I refer you to Job chapter39-41.
Answer the questions that follow.
Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge, therefore have I uttered that I understood not ,things too wonderful for me which I knew not.(Job 42 v3-4)