The results of living in a fallen world...doesn't affect us all in the "same" way,but looking around{or hearing} we can see that it has left one scar or another upon us all.Some may be born with a sickness that lasts through life. Others, it's a handicap from birth.We even see people who have extreme abnormal conditions,the crude term of what the circus calls "freaks".Because of the fallen world, we have to say "goodbye " to our loved ones in death{{"Through one man death entered in."}Another "symptom" of being born into a fallen world, our reasoning is messed up, that's why we can be saved, but have the heartache of seeing loved ones into demonic things like the occult.{I know that feeling.} And worse, if they die in their sins, we know what's next.Another symptom of the fallen world, is, whereas Christians have compassion, unsaved people can be mean, just try explaining to a landlord with the fallen nature that you won;t have the rent for a few months.So there's alot of "symptoms" of living in a fallen world,causing the problems we face, which we wouldn't face in a perfect world. But I guess that's why the Bible states,"Nevertheless, we,according to His promise, look for new Heavens and a new Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."Amen.
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