Beloved of All
Some things I'm struggling with are loving too early or trusting too early and not knowing how to use my heart and discern situations and when to say few words or not say anything or even say no, or this is a private matter. Also, I'm sorry I have been having dreams of having sex last night. I saw a person claiming Jesus talking to me about how the kingdom of Jerusalem was to be above all nations even without an earthly king which made the people mad because the one seated as king is above all and is Heavenly. However, in the same dream, I saw a jellyfish and saw pornography, and people masturbating and having sex and waking up with a wet dream. Is this a spiritual spouse? This all started after I started to want to talk more seriously to a lady I met a few months ago and maybe the demons are attacking both of us spiritually. I also have had dreams of my dad and family members chasing me around and torturing me, and I've had a dream where I saw my dead grandma and dogs! I also, for the first time, fell to masturbation within the last few months. Please let me know your thoughts. I have many high-degree masonry family ties within my family, and I need help to renounce them ALL in Jesus name! My Great Uncle was for sure a Shriner, which is also known as the ancient Arabic order for Freemasons, and these guys are high-ranking Freemasons above the steps of a grand master Freemason; I never was involved in any of that stuff. Maybe I was hurt by them as a child, and I don't remember. Before I knew Jesus, I started to investigate Islam and my mental health got worse. I believe that because Shriners stopped using the Bible in their masonic lodges and started using Qurans, and I have so many family demonic strongholds that it got into me somehow. Now that I think about it, my father has a picture from the Ottomans in his storage, and it is definitely Islamic; he says that he was freemasonry as about, but I think he may be lying and is freemason. I tell him about Jesus and him being the only way to get to heaven because sin leads to death and death and hell will be thrown in the lake of fire and that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and Jesus died for our sins so that we can live and have eternal life if we trust Him and repent and obey God and His commands. I thank you so much for what you do and the service of God you do to others in humility. Thank you!!!!